Bonus Epilogue

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A/N - Ask and you shall receive ;)


Andy cleared the dishes away after dinner, Gen finishing giving Cora her nighttime bottle of milk before carrying the little girl over to him. "Say night, night to daddy." She told their daughter who held out her arms.

He took her from Gen and gave her a kiss. "If you give us another full night's sleep I'll buy you whatever you want. Deal?" He spoilt her so much that it was untrue. She was his little princess though, a cliche term but he'd always wanted a daughter to call that.

"Da-dee..." the little girl replied and moaned as Gen took her back from him, clearly tired.

"Night night gorgeous." He waved to her as she waved at him from over Gen's shoulder.


Andy quickly finished doing the dishes and then went into the living room, lighting the candles as well as fireplace. Winter had hit just weeks before and the nights were getting colder. Gen's idea of a perfect night in was literally snuggling with him and Cora under the blanket on the sofa.

So that's what he was going to give her. They were on holiday soon anyway and he would welcome the heat again. Not that he hated winter, but there was something just a little depressing about it.

Looking around at the cosy sanctuary he'd made, he then glanced over at Jacob's picture on the mantle. "This is it gonna be rooting for me?" he asked but there was silence.

What he'd give to hear Jake's voice once last time.

"Just hope that I don't mess this up." He said more to himself than Jake's picture.

"You won't dad..." He turned, seeing his son smirking from the doorway. "You've got this. You deserve it. Trust me, I'm always gonna be rooting for you."

As Andy blinked again, Jacob was gone and he found himself alone once more. A sense of calm washing over him.

Hearing Gen's footsteps coming down the stairs, he looked around as she walked in and smiled at what he'd done. "Well this looks nice...what have you done?" She joked as she walked forward and kissed him. "More importantly, what have I done to deserve this?"

"You picked me up again." He said, "Which is what you're probably gonna have to do in a moment if I can't get up..." and slowly got down on one knee in front of her, pulling the ring from his pocket.

Her hand flew to her mouth. "Andy..."

" took a chance on me as a kid, and you did it again when I came back. Cora's got my last name, and it's not right if you don't...Will you marry me?"

She nodded quickly. "Yes..."

He grinned up at her and slipped the ring onto her finger. "Perfect fit..."

"I know, and as corny as it sounds, so are we. You, me and Cora..." She smiled down at him.

Andy couldn't agree more, "yep, and you're gonna have to help me up..."

"You're not that old!" Gen laughed and helped to pull him off of the floor, kissing him gently once more. "Thank you for taking a chance on Cora and me as well - I never thought we could end up as lucky as we have. Just like I never thought she'd ever have a father in her life. Absent fathers seem to be the running theme for us."

"It's just as well we put a stop to it then. No more absent fathers. Just the family we deserve."

"And I couldn't wish for anything more."

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