Don't make promises you can't keep.

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"Luke?" I asked.
Well...things just got creepy.


"Luke?" I asked and the tall blonde boy walked over to me with his arms crossed.


Is the boy that tall or am I that short?

Maybe he's just tall or I'm just short.

Nah maybe both. He took slow steps towards me and I didn't move back or tried thinking of a way to run. I wasn't scared of him and never will be. I can kick his ass and he knows it.

"Where were you?" he asked. His deep voice said. I can't tell if he's angry or something but he just kept his appearance blank.

"Out." I snapped and rested my hands over my hips and looked up at him.

He shook his head at me before he pushed me against the wall with his arms to my waist and kept me in place. He stared at me with his peircing blue eyes and searched my dark brown eyes. I can tell he wanted to scream but chose not to.

He seems frustrated about something . Why can't he just tell me?

"You were at the ice cream parlor." he said dropping his gaze from mine to my crop top and played at the ends of it.


How did he know that?
Last time I checked it was Derek who I was with.

Not him. I raised my eyebrows at him before opening my mouth to say something.

"How'd you know,Lucas?" I asked and he sighed before smirking and looking at me.

"There's some ice cream left at the end of your lips." He said before he raised his thumb and wiped the ice cream from my mouth.

"Also a little birdy told me that you were with someone. Who might that be?" he added.


"A friend." I said but he wasn't buying it.

Clearly he wanted another answer and I gave him a wrong one. His eyebrows knitted together and his hands at the end of my crop top turned into fists.

He's angry.

"A friend? If he is just a friend , why didn't bring any one of us?" he spat at me. His baby blue eyes was turning into a darker one and I hate it.

"I thought you guys would've want to rest instead so I didn't invite any of you." I replied and he rolled his eyes at my reply.

What? Can't he just get to the point ?

Why all the mind games and shit? I'm having a headache and I don't need him adding another pain in my ass.

"So? If you would've call then I would've come with you or maybe get one of the guys to come with you." He said and pressed his body to mine.

Our heavy breaths were matching eachother and the heat increased as our skin touched.

"Stop being so jealous,Luke! So what if he's just a friend? That doesn't mean he's my boyfriend. For fucks sake,Hemmings! He's not even my type! You don't see me giving him my V card ,do you? No. Take a fucking chill pill and relax yourself because no boy could ever love me for who I am. No one." I snapped and pushed Luke off me.

I walked over to my bed and sat down and crossed my arms ovver my chest. I glared at Luke and he did the same.

It was like another game of ours. Both of us wanted to scream our heads off at eachother because we're too damn stubborn to get to the point.

The room is silent but our eyes held so much that we couldn't understand it no more. One thing I understand is he's being so dramatic. Derek means nothing. Why would he care? I'm not his type.

"No boy could ever love you? Get your shit together,Triz and look at the mirror and tell me you don't look beautiful. Fucking hell boys would kill for your attention because they kow they don't stand a chance against you. You're not perfect but you're the whole package of everything a boy would want. Stop being so insecure or I'll buy you a thousand mirror and make you look at yourself for years." he spat and pushed me down the bed.


Just wow.

He's wrong. No one likes me and no one will. Heck I don't even know if I like someone. This is too confusing.He crawled in top of me and gave me the time to look at his features. His pale skin made his blue eyes stand out. Sometimes his eyes were a shade of turquoise then sometimes its baby blue. It changes with his mood and it fascinates me that his eyes were like that. I wonder if he notice it. Or if anyone had.

"You don't know me,Lucas." I whispered and his eyes softened.

"Then let me in." he whispered back and I shook my head.

"It has been far too long and I fell to deep to open up again. I'm even surprised that you could get close to me without me going crazy." I explained and Luke sighed at me before he layed down beside me.

"Tell me why." he said.

"I don;t want to. I'm so tired." I said before he wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head to his chest.

"You'll be safe with me. I promise." he said.

"Don't make promises you can't keep and I don't believe in promises." I said and he raised his head to look down to me.


"I just don't"

"Well, I want you to know that all you said were not true. Promises can be kept but only limited people can. I want to wrap my arms around you from the time you wake up til you fall asleep in my arms. But for now, I'll let you fall asleep." He whispered.

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