Lou and Lux

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They said I should be scared of the real world but I think I should be scared with my own mind.


L U K E (didn't expect that ,did you?)

I laughed nervously and slipped my hands in my jean pockets and walked beside Michael and Calum who seems to be talking about a certain someone. I sighed and tried listening to their conversation but they were whispering and we were already back at the tour bus. We did get a lot of food,though. 4 bags of random foods each person, I think we have enough to last a few days.

"You don't talk much,huh?" Louis said to me and I scrunched up my nose,nervously.

"I was just thinking." I excused and it was true, I was thinking.

"You know, I don't trust people with my little sister but she has been up on my ass lately that she wants to go to this party tonight. I was thinking if you and the guys can tag along with her." Louis said to me,his head straight forwards and a thinking yet hopeful face was written on his face. I thought about it.

A party? That's a yes for me. A party with her? I don't think so,not with her.

"A party? That's cool! Luke ,we're totally going!" Michael exclaimed behind me and started to dance.My eyes widen a bit because of the sudden scream from him but mostly because he said we're going to the party. From the corner of my eyes I saw Louis smiled.

"I'm not going with her ,Michael." I hissed and he stopped dancing,looking at me with anger. He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Louis and dragged Calum along too.

"Listen,Luke we're going to that party and you're going to suck it up and have fun like old times with her.She's Beatriz for fucks sake! She's he bad ass Beatriz ,we loved." Michael spat to me and Calum was just listening to both of us.

"I just don't want her to go to a fucking party,alone,okay? I missed her and I'm going to take every chance I get for us to be like we used to." Michael added before heading inside the bus. I sighed and clutched the plastic bags on my hand and followed behind him.

"Where's B?" Michael asked glancing around the bus. It was quiet and peaceful,I'm sure she's either asleep or she left. I dropped the bags to the sofa and sat down and pulled out my phone ,tweeting to the fans.

"I don't know,mate. I'll go check the other bus." Calum said before grabbing Niall and running off to find Beatriz. They're worrying to much,I'm sure she's safe. Wait. What the heck am I saying? She's my ex and I shouldn't be involved with her any longer.

But she's never been your girlfriend,Luke.My annoying brain told me, I groaned and mentally punched myself for thinking that she was my girlfriend. Either way,she's an ex. She's still and ex,something.

"We're ho-What the fuck?!" Louis shouted from the other side of the bus,immediately Harry came running towards Louis' direction. My guts started to twist and I swear my mind kept whispering her name but I shook her away from my head and focused on twitter.

I hear shouting from the other room but I didn't dare listen until I saw Louis dragging Beatriz out of the room and into another. I watched her being dragged passed me and I'm lying if I said I didn't want to punch her brother to the face. Louis pushed her inside and locked the door behind him,locking her.

"Let me out!" she cried and my heart ached at the sound of her voice.

No,don't be a softy. Remember when you showed her our feelings and she suddenly left? No contact or letters? She suddenly vanished.

It's not her fault, my annoying brain said again.

"I'll let you out if you stop being a slut." Louis spat before stomping over to the sofa and sitting down. I looked at him.

"You don't have to do that,you know? She's your little sister,not your puppet." my mouth spoke. My mouth seemed to have a brain of its own because I couldn't control what I was saying. Louis looked at me before sighing and leaning down to he lounge.

"I kn-"

"Louis Tomlinson! Get your sister out of that room and apologize!" A lady suddenly barged into the room with a little child with her.

"But Lou! " He whined and she glared down at him. Harry grabbed the little girl from her arms and carried her away, he saw me looking and motioned me to follow him. I nodded and followed him, the small child looked at me like I was a giant stuck inside a penguin costume.

"What's that all about?" I asked Harry as we walked to another bus.

He putted down the little girl and she started playing with her barbie dolls,handing one to me and to Harry. Harry smiled at her and spoke to her in a high pitched voice.

"Hello,Lux my name is Hanna." Harry said in a high pitched voice. So the baby's name is Lux? Lux giggled and played with her barbie.

"You didn't answer my question,Harry." I said after Lux run away looking for her barbie dresses. Harry dropped the barbie he was holding and looked at me.

"Louis saw Beatriz beside Ashton,sleeping.That son of a bitch! Beatriz didn't do anything and he had the nerve to drag her across the bus and lock her up. What's wrong with sleeping next to a guy? I mean,we're all going to share a room together when we stop at the hotel room so what is he on about? Louis isn't treating her right and I'm afraid that she's going to break down to where she used to be." He cried and run a hand through his hair.

When he mentioned Ashton's name and Beatriz's in one sentence,I felt a pang of jealousy shot through me but I ignored it and tried listening to him. What did he mean by going to break down like she used to? What happened to her? What is Louis doing to her for the past 3 years? What the heck is going on with her?

"Harry? What do you mean break down like she used to?" I asked,seriously and his eyes widen at the realization that he said something personal.


I know it has been a while since I last updated but I hope you keep supporting my book. Thank you for all the feedback that you guys gave to me. As much as I want to update everyday,I can't . I've been trying to update for days now and I took two weeks maximum to update. I'm so sorry for being inactive. I'm just so stressed and depressed lately that I can't function right. I hope you guys understand. Love you! And enjoy the chapter! -xxx

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