part three 🥺🥺🥺

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I walked to the gymnasium and got there a couple minutes late since the gymnasium is so far away from my math classroom. I went to the locker room to change into my uniform and Simon cought Rozz checking me out. Yeah that didn't go over well. Rozz always told the gym teacher he forgot his uniform so he could sit out and listen to music. I tried that out and it ACTUALLY worked. I sat next to Rozz in the corner, he was acting quite awkward around me but I couldn't care less. "Robert wanna hear this song it's by this chick named Madonna" I put his headphones on and gave Rozz's music a chance. Madonna was actually quite talented and she had a great voice. I saw that same new kid running the track in the gym uniform which is short shorts and a tight t shirt. I looked at him in awe as his chest bounced. He was actually quite muscular but also very skinny. I'd describe him as lanky. Rozz looked over at me and said in his American accent "Looks like Bobby has a thing for the new kid~" I looked at him in shock as he looked at me and said "You wanna hide that boner or not Robith" I looked away clearly embarrassed and put my arm in front of my crotch. Rozz is cool but god is he so pretentious at times. I could see that new kid break a sweat and I quickly covered my face because I felt it start to heat up. Rozz started laughing at me but I couldn't care any less.

After the phys ed. teacher told us to get our stuff because the bell was about to end I saw Morrissey come up to me and he asked me "Hey Smith can you er uh- show me around me the school because I'm new?" I was quite shocked he asked ME to show him around our school. "Oh sure Morrissey, can I see your schedule just to get a good idea of what'll be useful?" He panicked and quickly got his schedule out and i took a look at it.

He had first period History
Second period Math
Third period phys ed.
Fourth and fifth period English
Sixth period Biology
Seventh period FCS
Eighth period Swing Choir
and Ninth Period Study Hall.

God this kid is a total loser. We got to lunch and he sat at my table which consists of me, Simon, Siouxsie, Rozz, and this dude named Martin. I could tell this Morrissey kid was sensitive and I was a little worried for him because Rozz and easily offended people do not mix well.

Simon placed his hand on my thigh and I rested my head on his neck. Morrissey looked at us and said "I'm assuming you're dating?" Simon looked at him and said "Yeah" I felt Simon's lips on my hand and I think I visually got red because Siouxsie and Rozz laughing. I saw a tinge of jealousy in Morrissey. "Robert you should hang out with Siouxsie, Simon and I after school" Rozz said to me. "Are your parents or siblings going to be there?" He looked at me and said "Hell no, my parents are out of town and all my siblings have work to do" "Then I guess I'll go, but I agreed to show Morrissey around the school after ninth period"  We all agreed and the lunch bell rang.

After Ninth period I met Morrissey in his study hall classroom. First I showed him around the stage in the auditorium, He started dancing for no reason. I started beat-boxxing crazy frog. He looked at me strangely and stopped dancing.

After I showed him around the school I went to Rozz's house house

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