PART 6 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

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Morrissey POV

Marc and I ran out of the bathroom and Marc went to his class but I went to the nurses office because my mum is the school nurse and she lets me hang out there sometimes, I went in and sat down. Martin is my mums apprentice so he's always in there with her, he wears tight leather pants and an apron, no shirt. He came over to me and said "Heyyy what's going on with you today~" I looked at him and said "Oh my mums the nurse and she lets me stay in here from time to time" Martin looks at me and says "Oh that's a shame it gets so boring in here" My mum looks at us and says "Hey boys Mr. Glaf needs some balls blown up in the gym why don't you go help him" Martins face lights up and he says "Ooooh balls that should be promising"

Martin looks at me and says "Hey Stevie can you tie my apron tighter I look like a balloon" "Oh uh sure" I undo his apron and tie it around him. tight. He thanks me and we finished inflating up the gym balls. We went back to my mum and she said "You boys go pick up some clean needles for me" John Thunders walked by us and said "HEY I WANNA COME LET ME DRIVE" I then see Dee Dee Ramone tackle him and say "YOU FUCKING IDIOT YOU DONT EVEN HAVE A DRIVERS LICENSE" My mum looks at them and says "Steven why don't you drive"

We all get into my run down truck that can only fit two in the front seats meaning 2 would have to sit in the back. We let Dee Dee drive but we didn't trust John anywhere near a steering wheel so me, Martin, and John are all in the back of my pickup truck and Martin takes this as an oppertunity to...



"Heyyyy what are you doing later cutie patootie~" Johnny burped and said "I'm uhh I'm gonna uhhh I'm gonna shoot up with Dee Dee later" "Oh that's a shame you're too cute to do heroin!" Martin said, pinching Johnny's cheek. His fingers almost immediately slid off his face because of how greasy he is. "So you're Marc's hot date right?" Martin asks me. "Well, I wouldn't call it that. But yes me and Marc are going steady" I said confidently. "Ew kill yourself don't fucking call it that" Martin said with disgust. That little bit of confidence almost immediately went away.

All of a sudden Dee Dee swerves into a parking lot, Johnny fell out of the back of my truck. Dee Dee got out and Martin and I started walking to the place to pick up some needles. I guess Johnny got confused and nodded off in the back if he got back up. I wasn't really paying attention.

Dee Dee carried the needles back into the back seat. They were on Johnny's lap when we drove back. Johnny seemed to be sleeping on the ride back.

We got out of my truck and Martin carried the needles back to the nurses office and handed them to my mum. "There should be 15 needles. There's only 13. That's quite strange." My mum said. Those bloody junkies! They took needles for their greedy addict selves! It wasn't worth chasing after them but I cant stand them.
They've always been insufferable.

I went to my next class which was gym. I saw Marc come up to me as we ran our laps. "Hey stevie you should come to film club with me this afternoon~" He said. "Oh that sounds cool. I'll tell my mum during lunch that I'll go to film club later!" "Great pookie! see you then~~" Marc said as he kissed my cheek and continued to run laps with his friends: Martin Gore, Dave Gahan, and Ian Curtis. I always wondered why that Ian kid hangs out with them. But I guess they think he's cute and interesting enough to hang out with. I think he's in film club too.

(A/N) sorry for not updating in over a year I either forgot about this fic or I was working on other stuff. I might continue to update this fic but don't expect it to be updated as frequently. and sorry that this chapter is shorter it's been a draft for probably over a year☠️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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