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It started to rain as Simon sat on my bed and I sat on the floor. We were sweating and breathing heavily. Simon had never really been in my house because my family doesn't know I'm gay and Simon is a walking pride flag. Simon laughed and he analysed everything in my room. He looked at my record player on my desk where there's also a bunch of unfinished and missing homework assignments. He smirked, god his smile is so charming. "I hope Rozz is okay" "Yeah" Simon was wearing a sleeveless black shirt, tight black pants, a black sunhat, and some black combat boots today. My brother, Richard walked in and said "Oi mums asking if you're friends staying for dinner" I looked at Simon and he nodded excessively. 3 of my cats walked in my room as Richard closed the door and went downstairs. I got back on my bed and Simon pulled me into his lap. He chuckled as my face got hot as we made eye contact. I covered my face as he kissed my head and stroked my un-teased hair. I closed the gap between our lips and he grabbed the back of my head. I held his hips and we made out for a good 45 seconds before we pulled away to breathe. He was clearly red and I'm pretty sure I was too. My cat jumped up on his sunhat making it fall over and he started laughing. He pulled me close to him, there were only a couple cementers in between our faces. SuddenlyI heard a knock on the door and I practically jumped off him. It was my mum telling us dinner was ready. Simon and I burst out laughing when she closed the door. We got up to get dinner but when we got to my bedroom door Simon pinned me against it. I blushed intermittently and grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss.  We pulled away and went out for dinner.

During dinner my brothers gave Simon strange looks, if they said anything I'd bash their heads in. My sister told Simon that he looked cool which made him smile.

After dinner we went back up to my room and lit some incense. I straddled him and he held me by the hips. i held his face and we went to lay on the bed and I saw- hold on is that Morrissey walking outside? I saw him look up through my window and we made eye contact now he knows I see him. I quickly look away and start making out with Simon.

I woke up in my bed and saw Simon on the floor. It was a Monday so we quickly got dressed and we ran out the door and split to our first periods. Ian was sobbing when I walked in. I had no idea what had happened but i just left him alone and let him pet my cat to attempt to cheer him up. I couldn't tell if it worked but he seemed focused on my cat and stopped crying but he was still sad.

I went to the bathroom to skip english and smoke a fag. I got in there and immediately heard people making out in a stall. That the least of my concerns and i sat in a stall and started smoking. I heard their lips smack against each other and short moans in between each breath, I actually thought it was really funny and I was refraining from laughing. I heard them pull away and heard one of the guys say "Stevie I think someone's in here with us" I would've burst out laughing if i didn't hear the other voice say "Marc I told you don't call me by that wretched name, just call me Morrissey" I sat in shock as Morrissey was making out with Marc fucking Almond. The theatre kid. The horny gay Theatre kid. Marc got off of Morrissey's lap and knocked on my stall and said "At least share your fucking cigarettes" I slid a couple cigs under the door and he grabbed them and thanked me. I heard the sound of his lighter flick and saw him put the cig in Morrissey's mouth. Marc lit one for himself and said "Thank you mysterious cigarette bathroom stall man it's really appreciated" I peaked out of the stall and saw Marc practically up against Morrissey. I couldn't tell if Morrissey was into Marc or not but the short theatre kid was most definitely into Morrissey. I saw Marc dragging his finger along Morrissey's chest and that's when I was able to tell that Morrissey was into it because he smiled and hugged the shorter boy. Marc's face immediately went bright red and buried it in the taller boys chest. They shortly left back to whatever class they had next.

A High School Drama ~ a Roberssey fanficWhere stories live. Discover now