First class and scouted

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It was almost eight and people started coming out of their rooms, I looked at my time table to see that I had history first. I got to the room and checked where my seat was, it was an isle seat at the front. I sat down and slowly people flooded in, they always gave me a confused look bit eventually moved on.

A few minutes later

The teacher started talking.
Teacher: alright class, today we are going to be learning about the extinction of the human species
It's about humans......this is gunna' be a piece a cake.
Teacher: this is about the last city standing also known as villador, it was known for being blocked off from the outside world, there was three factions, the PeaceKeepers, The survivors and The Renegades.

Awhile later

Teacher: the city was being bombed because of the leader of the Renegades but a man only known as The Saviour saved it. The Savior was a Survivor who saved hundreds of the city's residents.

After school hours

I was walking to my room when somebody approached me and said.
???: Hey, you've been scouted for the drama club, would you like to join?
The mystery person was a tiger.
???: The names bill by the way
H: ya know what.......sure
Bill: ok, I'll tell the club leader, meet in the drama studio tomorrow after school
That was weird anyway, I went to my room and thud, I flopped on the bed.

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