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I turned on the TV to wait for a little bit and that's when I saw him. It was the news and they reporting about The Renegades.
Reporter1: we have gotten information of the recent gang called The Renegades, to you Williams
Williams: The group known as The Renegades have turned out to be humans from the time of the fall of man and have been telling us of what life back then was like, now we shall have an interview with their leader Waltz
Waltz: We lived inside Villiador's walls and it was chaos, a group who called themselves PeaceKeepers killed innocents for no reason, While a group called The Survivors kept all the water for themselves leaving others to die by thirst and the evil was winning over the good
Fuck he's trying to turn the people against the good guys with false shit!.
I swear, I'll kill him and tell the public the truth you son of a bitch!.

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