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Realization hit Scout as soon as you said that name.

He finally knew what was going on. "Why would he want to interfere?" He asked looking at you.

"Why wouldn't he? He has all the right. We just have to catch it in time." You said.

"That's true. But don't you think he'd be there already?" Mila asked.
"No. He likes to take his time for things. If I know he's going, he knows I'm going. It's something we have in common you know." You said.
"But for now I think we should get ready for the ride."

Scout and the girls nodded and went back to their work.

You walked away from the group and back to your own horse to take a quick look at the map. It had doodles all over it, X's and markings on different spots. Jac always had messy maps you just didn't think they were this messy.

Siskevik was marked with a big red circle in the middle. Jac drew small hearts around the circle too. From the looks of it, it was a half an hour ride there. Most likely you wouldn't have to stop on the way, if you go on the secret paths.

You rolled up the map and took out another paper. The wanted paper of Quackity that was.

You looked at his face mapping out the features on the picture. You obviously knew he didn't look quite like that in person but it was something to remind you what you are searching for.

You needed to do this right. Knowing that in a day time you'll be in Mellowstone in the king's palace negotiating with him made you feel kinda nervous. Now you don't get nervous often. But when it came to meeting the king in his palace where you're vulnerable to his guard made your heart launch into your throat.

You crumbled up the paper and put it in the bag on your horse. You looked around seeing that everyone was done and ready to head out. You put your left leg in the stirrup iron and pulled yourself up swinging your right leg over to the other side.

You adjusted yourself to be comfortable and you looked around once again waiting for everyone to get on their horses and get going. You waved at Yelena and she nodded starting to lead one part of the team and you the other.

You usually went in two clicks, not so far away from eachother one group in the front one in the back. This way there's no surprises to catch you.

Yelena was leading this time, your side of the group in the back. You waited for Yelena to get far enough then you also got on to the path yourself.

You didn't go in a fast pace. You didn't have to after all, Siskevik is a 30 minute ride away.

Puffy galloped up to you and went in your pace, in silence for a minute. "I like this raider life." She said.
"Yeah so do I. It's easy ain't it?"
"Where are we going again?" Puffy asked.
"Siskevik." You said.
"The criminal city?"
"That one. Been there before?" You asked turning your head to look at her.
"Obviously. I was a pirate you know." She said proudly.

"What was that like?" You asked.
"Well me and my team sailed the seas with my son-"
"Son?" You cut her off.
"Oh forgot to tell you I have a son." She said. "We found many treasures and all but then Ardghal murdered my team only letting me and my son flee. That's the biggest reason I want to join you, to get revenge one day." She said.

"We aren't called Pillagers for nothing. Revenge is our thing." You said. Silence fell after that. You never known Puffy was a pirate. But oh well guess it's a new addition.

You saw Yelena speeding up as soon as you got out of the forest so you signaled to the other to speed up too.

Usually when you're seen outside of the forest you have to be fast. You're vulnerable in the open air.

You nudged the horse into a sprint and ran through the sunny plain field. On the other side of the next forest forward is Siskevik.

You haven't been there in a while so you were looking forward to seeing some familiar faces.

The sun was high up in the sky shining down making the green grass glisten. You  put your one hand up to cover the sky and look around to make sure no one was following. You nudged the horse more to catch up with the other team. Everyone following your pace you got back into the forest quite fast.

When the last of the group was covered by the forest you slowed down and got into a slower walk.

A bunch of crows flew up from the forest from the sound of your people talking and laughing over eachother. They were usually in a great mood anyways, you never seen them sad or grieving.

The crows were suspicious though. They aren't native to this area. You just hoped the Angel of Death won't be in your way today. You were ready to kill anyone but him, well not really. You knew if you even attempted to do that you'd have a Technoblade on your ass.

Now that sure be unfortunate.

You slowly saw the crusty walls of Siskevik rise above the trees. And not just the walls, the disgusting smell of people burning bodies, blowing up random fireworks and absolute mess of dirt and human remains.

It was really a lovely place. With lovely people. You also get used to the smell as the days go on.

You cut in front of the group to greet the gate guards so they knew who you were.
"State thy business!" The guard said from the guard tower.
"Names Y/N." You said. The guard gasped audibly and signaled to the other guards to open the doors.

DANCE MOTHERFVÇKER// Quackity X readerWhere stories live. Discover now