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For starters, you didn't remember what Milesken looked like.

It was sort of blurry since the last time you were here was 6 whole years ago. It sure didn't look like you had images of in your head.

The small huts were replaced with wood houses and actual gardens were attached to them. The road was cobblestone, there were bunch of pretty lanterns and lovely plants everywhere. People of their own tribes were walking around in their cultural colours and actually looked and sounded happy. Now that is rare around here.

You out of everyone was the one that stood out, since your tribal clothes were ripped apart from the stab in the chest. You'll have to get one remade for the festival after the execution.

The one thing that stood out immensely from the small houses was the Empress' quarters. She was known to give it to the builders to make her home luxurious, and that she did.

A huge 3 level house stood in front of you, last time you were here this was a big tent with torches outside.

There were guards standing outside tracking your every movement as you tied your horses to a fence. You made sure Alex was close behind you and you walked up the couple steps of stairs.

The guards blocked the door with their spears and looked at you two burning holes into your heads.

"State your business." He said.

"Everybody says that around here? You don't have a different saying other than 'state your business'?" You asked sarcastically.

One of the guards looked at you, if you looked really close you could see him crack a smile.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N from The Phantom-Arcane Tribe. Welcome home." He said and removed the spears. You opened the door and stepped in looking around the room that welcomed you.

It was a big upgrade from the tent you were used to, but it looked friendlier than the last one. There were a bunch of doors everywhere, you didn't really know where to start with the searching.

You looked on your right and was met by a somewhat taller lady than you. She caught you really off guard. She was lanky, dark brown hair and brown eyes. She was a beautiful lady herself but she was also really human.

"Holy fucking shit.. please come with a warning next time." You said looking her up and down.

"I'm sorry I managed to scare you. My name is Vivienne. I'm assuming you're searching for the Empress." She said.

"Yeah, we're quite lost here." You said looking around again.

"Of course, let me show you where she is." Vivienne said. She started walking a direction so you followed her to a door, she opened it and you were met by a hallway, a long hallway. She lead you down the hallway and turned all sorts of directions before you were standing in front of a tall door. "The Empress is right in here, make yourselves at home." She said and with that disappeared in the hallways.

Quackity looked at you, you just shrugged and opened the door that Vivienne said was the Empress'.

She was right, Mother was sitting at a table that was pushed to a wall, writing something. This appeared to be her library, huge walls of books everywhere.

Some even on the floor open and closed at different pages, ink spilled over some of them.

"Mother?" You said fully entering the room.

"Oh my! Y/N! What a pleasure to see you here in one piece!" She said standing up and walking to you. "And... Alex.. it is also really good to see you." She said in a different tone.

"Hello Drista." Alex said.

"We didn't want to keep Tina waiting. And I assume my tribe has already arrived by this time." You said.

"No, it is peculiar that they have not arrived yet. But Yelena has stated that they're coming from a whole other continent so it might take time for them to arrive." The Empress said.

It is strange, Yelena is never late, not to mention she never really leaves the continent either. But miracles happen.

"We only wanted to check in, we'll be on our way right away Empress. We don't want to keep you from your duties." You said.

"Right. Vivienne will show you a free house you can stay at for the time being. I am so happy to have you here again Y/N." Mother said. As you turned around you were met by Vivienne yet again.

She scared you again but not as much as she did last time.

She started to walk back into the hallways and looped around for a good 5 minutes before reaching a door that lead straight outside.

You were on the other side of the building now, but it felt like the thing was so much bigger on the inside than the outside.

Vivienne hurried away from the building and back on to the main road.

This was definitely surprising. You were surprised because how this city grown. Obviously more people join, they needed space so they renovated the whole thing.

Your time away was only a bad thing here, you had absolutely no idea where anything was, you had no clue where to go first and where to find a damn store around here. It was like a maze.

Even if you are were criminals, people got along way better here than in Siskevik. They had an organized system, people respected eachother (as much as one can) and they kept the place tidy.

Siskevik was a whole mess of rat shit and dead animals on the roadside with some Homeless assholes walking around asking for money, that people didn't have. They did have a paying system and people didn't care about eachother, people go in and out of jail if they get caught. They have no respect for others only themselves.

It was a great place but uncontrollable none the less. Kezkey was an amazing mayor and they do everything they can but it's hard when people are so reckless.

DANCE MOTHERFVÇKER// Quackity X readerWhere stories live. Discover now