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He looked up at you, a piece of bread almost falling out of his mouth.

"What are you doing here?" He asked dropping his burger and standing up.

"What do you think, your mom? I'm just coming through. Just wanted to say hi." You said.

All of the sudden, Quackity pulled you into a hug. It was extremely strange since you still hated him. But it was warm, not to mention you haven't got one of these in a while.

"I'm so glad you're alive." He said quietly. Glad? He's supposed to hate you not miss you. You could easily smell the alcohol on his shirt, even if it wasn't strong.

"Hold on." You said pushing him away. "Are you drunk or something?" You asked.
"Maybe just a little." He said. You looked at him a little more, mapping his face.

He was worn down, his hair was longer and tied up. He didn't have his beanie on and his tie was just threw over his shoulder. "What's going on with you?" You asked still looking into his eye.

"Nothing." He said.

"Okay. I'll go now. It was nice to see you man." You said and turned around. You went to walk out of the building but Quackity grabbed your wrist.
"You can't go. Goddess of Earth ordered a three day rain shower. It's too dangerous." He said. He can't be serious. You can't just stay here for three days.

"Quackity. I just want to go to North gate. From there I'll be fine. I survived showers before." You said breaking free from his grip.

You walked out of the building and looked up at the sky. It was basically covered in black clouds, ready to fall from the sky. Quackity wasn't lying after all. And it was happening now.

Quackity walked back next to you. "Told you. People in Las Nevadas all get a room in the casino. I'm sure you'll fit right in." He said.

Well you don't really have a choice. If it's going to rain, you'll not only get soaked, also catch a horrid cold and die before you even get to Milesken. It was no intention of yours to stay here.

But every odd is against you.


"Fine. Let's go before we get soaked." You said and went to untie your horse.

Quackity started to walk to the casino.

It was strangely familiar, wonder from where. Last time you walked in here, you lost a leg. And it was still stuck in your head.

You will never forget what happened. Maybe you'll forgive Quackity but you will never forget that day.

In front of the casino someone took your horse for you and put him into a safe place. Most likely a barn.

The door of the casino opened. Some people were already inside ready to be lead to their own room. Quackity rushed up to the reception that they installed for this occasion.

Usually when the Goddess of Earth orders a shower it destroys the useless plants and trees so that new can grow.
It's been a while since she did that anyways, plants need a bath.

Quackity talked with the person in the reception table, that you'd expect would be Charlie, but it wasn't him. Maybe he was just wandering around somewhere.

Quackity looked sad though. He always had this happy tone face. He looked fallen apart. If anything he might've been just extremely drunk.

You couldn't know how he was when he was drunk, but one thing you could guess he definitely wasn't sane.

He was probably the most insane person you ever met after Chavez.

Quackity turned around and slalommed around the people, walking back to you.
"So.. I have good and bad news." He said.

"Shoot." You said.
"You have a room.." He said. "But it's my room as well. We only have mine left."

"What. No, I'm just going to sleep in the hallway I'm not staying in one room with you for three days." You said.

"What's wrong with me? You can sleep on the bed, I'll sleep on the floor." He said.


"C'mon Mi novia. Only for three days. I'll leave you alone, you can do whatever you want, I won't even talk to you." He said.

You don't really have a choice. You'd rather sleep in one room with Quackity than a random dude from the street.

"Remember what I told you about the nickname." You said crossing your arms. "So where's this room of yours?" You asked.

Quackity smiled and started walking. You  obviously didn't want to be in a room with him. But you'd rather not get soaked in the rain while walking to Milesken.

Quackity walked up the stairs and turned left into a long neverending hallway. Rooms on each side of the wall lined up, with oak doors, decorated with gold and various luxury items. It was understandable that he made a debt into the kingdom, all of its gold and possessed ores and gems were located here and Quackity asked for a good sum to give it to the king.

You were walking down the hallway for a good amount of time. After 3 doors there was another hallway left and right. There were so many rooms for so many people but you still ended up getting one with Quackity.

Soon you could finally see the end of the hallway, with the biggest door in a building you've ever seen in your life.

It was mostly wood, but the amount of attention to detail was absolutely amazing. From the little carvings of small wings, through the big emerald with a masterpiece carved into it, to the gold handle that was carved into a snake on a tree branch.

They must've spent so much time on this singular door.

Quackity looked at you proudly as you were mapping out the door. "Tubbo made this for me. It took him a good month." He said and opened the door.

The room was huge, as if they put a small palace into one room.

You were kinda glad you got this room with Quackity after all.

DANCE MOTHERFVÇKER// Quackity X readerWhere stories live. Discover now