Part 5

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I woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon and knew that mum was home. I jumped up from bed and tackled my mum with hugs and kisses. My mum hasnt been home for a week and I missed her.

"Jessica? What are you doing up so early? You dont have any class?" Mum asked greeting me with a smile. "Oh yeah! We have rehearsals for "A Million Lucks"". I ran to my room and realized that Trina was gone. " Mum! Have you seen a Trina walking by anywhere?" I asked laughing. "Yup! Trina is in the showers and I already knew she was here so I made more breakfast. Do you wanna eat ahead,honey?" She said winking at me. "YES! Thanks mum!" I hugged her and sat on the table and grabbed the food I wanted. I saw Trina sit next to me and pat my back hard causing me to spit out my food. "Slow down, girl! No one is chasing you!" She said. "Yeah I dont care! At least a jerk isnt chasing me unlike you! Xhander! Xhander!" I teased back. She rolled her eyes at me and ate her breakfast.

I ran to my room and grabbed my black skater skirt, gray top and some underwear and bra and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. I undressed myself and let the water wash me completely. The water was cold so I kinda liked it. I grabbed my shampoo and conditioner and sang my favorite song by one direction. I think it was called Summer love.

"You were myyyyyyy summer love, always will be myyyyyy summer love..." I sang the last part and dryed myself. I got changed into my clothes and slipped my black sneakers on. I ran to the living room and saw my mother and father talking to my brothers. My parents called me over and asked me to sit with them. "Mum? where's Trina?" I asked. "I asked her to go ahead, honey. We need to have a family meeting." My mum said sternly. I nodded and listened to what my brother had to say. " Mum, Dad.. I'm moving to New York in a week.. I got promoted!!!" My brother said with pure excitment. My parents stood up and hugged him but I ran to my room and cried. I didnt want my brother to leave. I will miss him too much. I opened Chatme and saw that Zoren was online so I chatted him.

Me: Hey..

Zoren: Hey! What happened?

Me: My brother got promoted and is moving to New York in a week...

Zoren: Congrats to him! Why arent you happy, Jess?

Me: Cause I will miss him.. I need him to be with me when things go bad Zo..

Zoren: Hey.. This is your brother's dream.. Be happy for him.. You can skype him, message him,, you will always be siblings and you both know that.

Me: I guess so... Thanks Zoren..

Zoren: No problem bestie

Me: What did u just call me? Bestie? ahha xD ok

Zoren: Yeah and you cant hurt me cause you love me :P

Me: Wish I didnt. haha xD :P Well I need to go Bye Zoren!!! I have rehearsals

Zoren: Its ok! go! And good luck! I know how much you want this..

Zoren: Nah who am I kidding? haha you just want the grades XD

Me: You know me so well ahaha xD well byeeee

Zoren: byee

I went down stairs and hugged my brother tightly. " Im gonna miss you you bastard" I said as a tear slid down my face. " Me too, shorts stuff." He said hugging back. I smiled at him and headed to school. I saw Trina with Mcdonalds and handed the other bag to me. "Your mum gave me money to buy us lunch and snacks incase we got hungry. And she packed us water. Man, your mum is the best!" She said bursting out in laughter, I hit her at the back of her head and we headed inside the gym. I saw Karl pass by with Amy and they were holding hands. I actually didnt like the sight but Karl was happy so I let it go and smiled. I saw Marlon so I ran up to him and gave him a hug. "Someone's happy.. You talked to Zoren didnt you? " He winked at me. "Yeah. But I dont get why Zoren has anything to do with it, " I said sheepishly. He just laughed at me and looked at me with the seriously? look, " You obviously like him! Your so giddy everything you talk to him!" He says, I thought about for a miinute, Nope haha XD I dont have feelings for my best friend at all.. I shook my head and Marlon went to get some sleep in the kiddie playground.

I headed to the place where I said Alexis and Brenda were sitting so we talked for about good 6 minutes then we were all called to the gym. I havent really thought about what if I grew feelings for my best friend. I know that Zoren is cute but he's 8.000 miles away, North Carolina to the Philippines? it isnt a short distance but I have to admit I dont know why I was a bit affected when he told me he had a girlfriend. I wanted to ignore him but I couldnt. All I knew is that this guy is too hard to ignore. Try ignoring your best friend for instance  its hard.

Later that night, Zoren chatted me while I was in the same thought about why I cant get him off my mind lately,

Zoren: Hey.. Can we talk?

Me: Sure..What's up?

Zoren:La Rae and I broke up,,

Me: Oh Im so sorry..

Zoren: It isnt your fault. She was a slut anyway..

Me: Hey! Dont say that. La Rae is still a woman and a woman gave birth to you so you dont have the right.

Zoren: Sorry... Im just so frustrated and mad! thats all..

Me: Look Zoren,, any girl would be lucky to have you. I am! You're my best friend and I wouldnt have it any other way. *hugs u*

Zoren: Thanks *hugs back*

Zoren: So whats on your mind?

Me: School work.. ( I know I was lying but I cant tell my best friend that I think I like him! thats stupid!)

Zoren: Oh! I know the feeling ahha xD Well Thanks Jess! your the best. I have to go tho.. bye

Me: byeee

I actually liked him before but I couldnt tell him I think I liked him cause I was afraid of rejection. So I started flirting with this guy from the Uk. His name was Jordan. He had blonde hair, he was tall and he was handsome. So we kinda hit it off. He asked me out and I said yes hoping that the feelings I have for my best friend would go away but sadly it didnt and now the feelings are back.. I looked at the mirror and asked myself what was I doing with my life. Along the way of getting to know Jordan I liked him alot, But as weeks passed, We fought too much and we called it quits and I remember that Zoren was the only one there for me. I cant say that I didnt like Zoren before because I did and I thought it was gone but it came back,.. now I dont know what to do so I decided to call it a night and headed to bed and wished on that shooting star I saw, That everything would be alright. at least for tonight..

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