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"WHAT was will saying?" mike asked

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"WHAT was will saying?" mike asked.

"like home... like home but dark?" jordyn asked confused. "and empty." lucas added.

"empty and cold. wait, did he say cold?" dustin asked. "i don't know, the stupid radio kept going in and out." mike shrugged.

"it's the riddles in the dark." dustin laid back on the couch. "like home, like his house or maybe like hawkins?" mike asked. "upside down." eleven said.

everyone turned their attention to eleven who was sitting on the couch. "what'd she say?" lucas asked.

"upside down." mike repeated. "what?" lucas asked.

"u-p-s-i-d-e d-o-w-n. upside down." jordyn repeated looking at lucas as if he was dumb.

"when el showed us where will was, she flipped the board over, remember? upside down. dark, empty." mike reminded.

"do you understand what he's talking about?" dustin asked.

"no-yes." lucas and jordyn said at the same time then shot each other a glare.

"when el took us to find will, she took us to his house, right?"

"yeah and he wasn't there." lucas nodded. "but what if he was there, what if we just couldn't see him?" mike asked.

jordyn, lucas, and dustin all looked at each other. mike picked up the d&d board.

"what if this is hawkins and... this is where will is? the upside down." mike flipped the board. jordyn nodded slowly understanding the point.

"like the vale of shadows." dustin nodded. "what is that?" jordyn asked. dustin smirked.

"the vale of shadows

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"the vale of shadows." dustin read. "is a dimension that is a dark reflection or echo of our world. it is a place of decay and death. a plane out of phase a place of monsters it is right next to you and you don't even see it. An alternate dimension." dustin finished reading.

"but... how... do we get there?" jordyn asked. "you cast shadow walk." dustin said.

jordyn and lucas looked at dustin like he was dumb. "in real life dummy." lucas hissed.

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