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"HEY, HOW YOU FEELING?" Jordyn asked sitting next to El on her bed.
El shrugged, "i feel guilty, but at the same time, i feel good that i did it. Angela's really mean."
"And she was never not your actual friend either, you don't go to parties at the Rink-O-Mania either..... you lied to me."
El looked down at her hands popping her knuckles.
"El, why'd you lied to me?" Jordyn asked slapping her hands on her thighs.
El shrugged.
"I don't know, Jordyn." El raised her voice a little
"What happened to, friends don't lie?" Jordyn asked.
"I just wanted to show you and Mike that..... that i fit in. and Angela she.... she's so cool and- she ain't no damn cool." Jordyn cut off El.
El sighs and shakes her head, "i just wanted to show you i.... i fit in."
"so you just have no friends, at all?"
El shakes her head no.
"well..... that's ok." Jordyn shrugged.
"it is?"
"of course it is. you don't have to lie, if you don't have any friends here, that's ok. fuck these people, El!"
"Jordyn that's mean...."
"talking bout mean, girl you knocked that girl ass with a skate, and you talking bout mean." Jordyn scoffed, then laughed.
"it's not funny. i really hurt her."
"El.... she- JORDYN, EL GET DOWN HERE NOW!" Mike yells from downstairs.
both El and Jordyn share a confused look but runs downstairs.
they make it to the bottom of the steps, making eye contact with the police.
"aww shit they here for me?" Jordyn thought.
"Hey there. You Jane Hopper?"
El nodded the cop makes his way over to her, El quickly grabs Jordyn hand her hand shaking.
He grabs El's arms, putting her wrists in handcuffs. Jordyn brows scrunch but she knew not to say anything, the other cop was already staring her down.
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you." He spoke.
"Don't say nothing, ok?" Jordyn mouthed to El, El nodded looking at Jordyn with teary eyes.
"We gon get you. promise. pinky promise." Jordyn mouthed holding her pinky out.