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BILLY IS SITTING in a high chair on duty.
jordyn, mike, el, max, lucas, and Will are hiding behind a car spying on billy, max has binoculars.
"i don't know, he looks pretty normal to me." max said. "normal? how many times have you seen him with a shirt on?" lucas asked.
"i mean it's a little weird." max said.
"a little? max you off a perc." jordyn said.
"he was in a tub with ice, the mind flayer likes it cold. plus everything else." mike said.
"but he's lounging at the pool, which is like, the least mind flayer thing ever." max said.
"not necessarily, the mind flayer likes to hide, he only used me when he needed me, it's like- like you're dormant. and then, when he needs you, you're activated." Will said.
"ok, so we just- wait until he gets activated." max said. "no, what if he hurts someone?" mike said. "or kills someone." Will added.
"we can't take that chance, we need to find out if he's the host." mike said. mike heads off.
"where are you going?" el asked. "i have an idea, boys only." mike said. "seriously?" max asked groaning.
the boys follow mike.
"just trust me on this one." mike said.
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jordyn enters a room, she looks around and picked up a cpr dummy off the shelf. then mike comes in, awl shit. "hey, i found the breakers." mike said.
she rolls her eyes. "whoa, that thing is super creepy. let's see it." mike said taking it from jordyn.
"i think this'll work. right, buddy?" he said talking to the dummy.
"right mike." mike said in a squeaky voice. he smiled at jordyn, she remains a straight face. she snatched the dummy and starts to leave.
"hey, jordyn. what i did- lying to dustin. i- i was wrong." mike said. "yep." she nodded.
"right umm, i didn't mean to lie, i just wanted to uhm hang out." mike said.
"you coulda just said that." she said.
"what?" mike asked confused. "don't try and act stupid mike." she said. "ok you know what i don't feel like arguing with you." he said.
"then get out." she said in a duh tone.
"jordyn all i wanted was another chance, why come i can't have just one." he said.
"too bad michael, don't think that's gonna happen, not right now." she said leaving the room with the dummy.
she left mike in the room, speechless.
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the pool is closed.
the shower is running, only billy is there. the shower turns off. lucas gestures mike to start making noise.
mike starts making clanging noises. "pool's closed." billy said. then there's more clanging and scraping noises.
"hey!" billy yelled slamming his locker door. "you hear me!" he yelled rushing to the door, and pushes. it's doesn't open. he bangs on it.
"billy!" mike said in a singsong tone. billy starts walking slowly toward the voice. "who's there?" billy asked.
"billy!" mike repeated in the same tone. "who's there?" billy asked. mike laughed and it echoed.
billy checks a shower stall, nobody in their. "billy!" mike said. billy proceeds slowly through the locker room.
"you think this is funny, huh?" billy asked quietly. mike's laughing echoes. "billy come and find me!" mike said.
"i find you, it's your funeral." billy said. "come and get me, come on!" mike said. billy sees a door close. billy comes in, he sees a figure in the sauna room.
"got you." billy grinned he started clapping his hands as he approached the sauna. "come and get me you piece of shit." mike said.
billy swings open the sauna door. in the middle of the room, the cpr doll, he lifts up by the throat. a walkie talkie taped to its chest.
"hey! behind you." mike said. billy quickly turns. "hi." eleven said. she flicked her head back causing billy to fly against against the wall.
the group rush in, mike turns on the lights. el shuts the door, mike slide a metal rod through the handle behind a pipe, lucas puts the chain around it and locks it.
billy bangs against the door, eleven stands in front of the others as they stare at billy through the sauna window.
"max?" billy asked softly. max stared at her brother. "do it." max said. will cranks up the temperature nob out side the sauna door.
"max! let me out of here! let me out. you kids... you think this is funny? you kids think this is some kind of sick prank, huh? you little shits think this is funny?" billy said.
lucas looked at jordyn , jordyn looked at lucas. they smirked.
"what is this? open the door. open the door! open the door! open the goddamn door!" billy yelled.
"we're at two-twenty." Will said checking the temperature. "it's not my fault." billy sobbed. max approaches the sauna window. "it's not my fault, max. i promise you, it's not my fault." billy said.
"what's not your fault, billy?" max asked. "i've done things, max. really bad things. i didn't mean to, he made me do it." billy cried.
jordyn silently chuckled.
"what made you do it?" max asked. "i don't know, it's like a shadow, like a giant shadow. please, max." billy said. "what did he make you do?" max asked. "it's not my fault ok, max please. please believe me, max it's not my fault. i tried to stop him ok." billy cried.
max cried as she watched billy beg for his life. "please believe me max. please believe me." billy said. "billy, it's gonna be ok." max said. "max, please." billy said.
"it's gonna be ok, we want to help you. we want to help you, you just have to talk to us, ok? you have to talk to us. i believe you billy." max said.
will touches the back of his neck. "i feel him." Will said. "we'll figure it out together, ok." max said to billy. "he's activated." Will said to mike.
"i need you to trust me, please." max said to billy. "max, get away from the door." mike said softly to max as he looked at Will. "what?" max asked.
"get away from the door!" mike yelled.
billy smashes the glass window, glass going everywhere.