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LATER THAT NIGHT, an agent sat in front of Will, Jonathan, Mike, and Jordyn. 2 more stand behind her on each side with their arms folded. The agent told the 4 of them about the killings in Hawkins.
"I'm sorry. I'm having trouble understanding any of this, i mean, what exactly is going on in Hawkins? What's doing these killings." Jonathan spoke.
"Chrissy........ she's dead?"
"Where is El, like right now?" Mike asked.
"For her safety, it's best you don't know." A woman replies
"Man what the fuck is goin on? El's gone, Chrissy's dead what the- what the fuck!" Jordyn exclaims.
"Jordyn, please! So the training to get El's powers back, how long is it gonna take?" Mike asked.
"Could take weeks, could take months." The woman replies.
"Months?" Jordyn and Will asked in sync.
"Until then, agents Harmon and Wallace will stay with you." A woman points at the guys.
"We're not in danger, right?" Jordyn asked.
"Our friends live in Hawkins, our family lives in Hawkins." Mike exclaims.
"is my family ok? Are my friends ok, do you guys know an Armani Taylor, is she ok? Does she know about Chrissy's death?" Jordyn asked.
"I'll work to contain the situation until Eleven is ready. In the meantime, it is of vital importance you do not speak to anyone about this." A woman responds.
"No, no way." Jordyn scoffed.
"I know this is difficult to understand." The woman said.
"It's not difficult, it's fucking impossible." Jordyn said.
"There are fractions within our government who are working directly against Eleven, who are in fact searching for her as we speak. We can't risk contact. If they learned about any of this, it will jeopardize Eleven. And if Eleven is jeopardized, so are your friends. And so is your family." The woman explains.
"So, what? We're just supposed to trust that you're the good guys, who are you? Do you guys even know who killed Chrissy?" Jordyn asked.
"Jordyn, calm down." Mike grabbed her hands.
"We're friends of Owens."
"I thought he was dead." Mike scrunched his brows.
The woman shakes her head.
"Eleven trusted us, now we're asking the same from you."
Jordyn and Will shared a look.
The woman grabs a envelope from inside her jacket pocket, she hands it to Jordyn.
Jordyn takes the envelope, she opens it up grabbing a piece of paper, she reads it.
Dear Jordyn, I have gone to become a superhero again. Love, El