Chapter 5

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Oops sorry it’s been so long! I love this fic and I promise to update more regularly

Chapter Text

You woke up with the sounds of gunshots echoing through your ears. You jumped out of the bed and ran to the door. The lack of a window was incredibly annoying in this situation.
Once you ran to the door the shots stoped. You put your ear close to the door, trying to hear what was going on. You heard nothing but silence. You began to wonder if you were just imagining things. After a few minutes of silence sat near the door and leaned on if. You nervously placed your head in you hands and sighed

Hershel told everyone that Carl desperately needed medicine Shane immediately volunteered to go find the medical supplies. Odis also said he would go to help Shane.
"Hey y/n, talk to me for a second"
He pulled you to the porch
"I'm going with you guys." You say
"No way." He answered.
You stared at him angrily, offended by him.
"You need to stay here with Rick" he explained.
"Maggie's getting lori but until she gets here you need to be there for him."
You looked at the older man, unsure of him.
"Please. For me."
You nodded reluctantly and watched as they quickly drove away.

There was a loud knock on the door you were leaning against.
"Ya decent?" Negan clearly asked. You stood up slowly and backed away from the door. Negan had never knocked at your door or cared about how you felt.
"Uh, yeah." You answered. You were wearing a black tank top and a pair of small sleeping shorts.
"Good. Because I've got a special present for you."

You walked into the living room that Rick was in. Carl was in a room just near the living room, getting taken care of by Hershel. Rick had just given blood for the third time, he was extremely pale and he looked awful. He was covered in sweat with dark circles under his blue eyes. You hesitate to move towards him, reluctant to express your feelings. You but your hand on his shoulder and handed him a glass of water. He thanked you quietly and you sat next to him.
"Rick..." you started, unsure what to say next.
"Don't." The man said.
"I'm so done with these apologies y/n... I just need time."

The door swung open. You had no idea what was going to be on the other end of the door.
Your eyes widened as you saw Negan standing in the doorway, and next to him... Carl Grimes.

You and Rick sat across from each other in silence. He had just given more blood to Carl and was looking increasingly worse by the second.
You looked at Rick, trying to think of what to say. You're lips pursed together before you nervously, yet gracefully spoke.
"I lost my family."
Rick looked up to you, not understanding where you were going with your words.
"And when I lost them I thought that my life was over... but then I found you." You slightly smiled
"I found you, Daryl... Merle. Carl, Lori..."
"I know how you're feeling. But you need to know it isn't over. And you should feel so lucky."
"And why is that?" Rick asked bitterly.
"You have people. You have Lori and Shane..." you hesitated
"And me."
Rick looked into your eyes for the first time all day. The two of you instantly shared a deep and intimate connection. Your heart felt like it was burning. You knew what you felt was wrong, but you couldn't help it. And you knew that Rick couldn't deny he felt something as well. He broke the connection, placing his eyes to the floor
"Thanks Y/N" he said, you smile and place your mouth, smiling seemed to be very unusual to you nowadays.

"Carl?" You asked, going towards him.
"Guess what this little asshole has done?" Negan asked, pushing Carl inside your room. The two of you lock eyes, you slowly stand to see the teenager.
“Carl. What the hell are you doing here?”
Negan let out a chuckle
“You’re boyfriends son decided to unload a half a dozen bullets into some of my men.”
You had a slow sense of pride of hearing what Carl had done. You try to hide the clear smile coming across your face.
“Be as smug as you want sweetheart... but this shithole caused a lot of problems around here.” He slowly slaughtered towards you
“So while I decide what to do with him, I figured I’d take him tour.”
You bite your upper lip, trying to make sense of the situation.
“You alright Carl?” You ask softly.
“Don’t talk to him.” Negan warns you.
You roll your eyes, in extreme annoyance.
“Or what?”
You pause as Negans eyes narrow
“What the fuck are you gonna do?”

Lori ran to Rick, holding her husband tightly. You watch the two of them from the porch, leaning against the white home. Your hands are holding a cigarette which you have barely smoked, too busy watching the husband and wife reunite before rushing in to see their son. As they walked up the stairs Lori gave you the smallest of nods, before entering the home.
Then Maggie walked towards you, her cowboy boots clicking loudly against the wooden porch.
“Can I bump a cigarette?” She asked you.
You nod, opening up your pack and handing her one.
“Thanks for going and getting her.” You say.
Maggie takes a draw from the cigarette, exhaling softly.
“Of corse...”
She hesitates
“How was Rick holding up?”
You let out a soft laugh
“About as well as you can imagine.”
The young woman looked at you, a sad expression growing on her face.
“I could never imagine something like that happening to someone I love.”

Negan grew angry. His lips pressed together in anger as he looked at you, eyes cold yet burning with anger.
As he still doesn’t answer you ask him again.
“What; The fuck are you going to do!”
You laugh, teasing the man seemed so enjoyable to you despite how dangerous it was.
“You’re full of shit. You know that?”
The mans anger began to boil up, and although you knew you shouldn’t, you felt a need to continue tormenting him.
“You’re an asshole. You’re full of shit. If I want to speak to Carl, I’ll speak to him.” You then turn towards the boy, who is gazing at you in disbelief.
“Tell your dad that this asshole isn’t going to stop me from lovin him.”
Negan barges towards you
“Shut the fuck up!” He yells, his temper imploding.
“Tell him that I love him and I’m coming back for him!” You yell at Carl, instantly Negan rushes out of the room, taking young Carl with him.
After they are gone you smirk, although it was a tiny victory... you really felt as if you just won a battle.

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