Chapter 16

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All Out War comes to a close, and you realize that everything might not be as you originally imagined.


Hello lovies! Happy Friday! This chapter took forever to write and many, many, many rewrites. I think some of you may be a little bit confused by the way that Rick acts in this chapter. It is different than the onscreen version of this moment, however, imagine if this happened on the show with Rick and Michonne. How would he act? Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter. it truly was fun to write. Love you all and I will check in next week!

Chapter Text

Waves crash along
The battered, lonely lighthouse
Tomorrow she's gone
And if not, someday, somehow
Are these hands a waste?
Well this side of mortality

is scaring me to death

Don't think about it at all
Just keep your head low
Don't think about it at all

- Soldier On - Temper Trap

This was your second day heading towards terminus and you felt exhausted. You hadn’t eaten in a while. Every time you tried to eat anything you vomited it up. This whole pregnancy thing felt like a sick joke. The kid needed to eat, right? But it didn’t eat. It didn’t want to. You knew that exhaustion was hitting you hard, because every time you threw up you lost more and more water. You only had half of a bottle left, and knew that you needed to fill it. There was a creek nearby, and you knew that you could get some water from there. But god, that would put you about thirty minutes out. You sighed, debating your options. You only had about an hour of sunlight left anyway… you would go to the creek, get some water, and set up camp there. You would sleep for the night, and then continue your travel the next day. You walked towards the little creek, holding yourself up each step by grasping onto the splintering trees. This exhaustion wasn’t good. Your body ached. You felt sick constantly, and you just wanted to rest. Sleep next to Rick, have him holding you in his arms. That was all you wanted. You neared the creek, listening to the calming noise of flowing water. There was a slight downward progression in the creek, keeping the water from getting stagnant. You placed your water bottle in the stream, and watched it fill. You had a small camping pot, and you poured the water into that before lighting a small fire. As the fire began to blaze, you set the pot over it for the water to boil and purify. As it was boiling, you walked around the area and set up your cans on string around the trees. It was an old trick that Daryl had taught you, walkers would trip over the wire and you would awaken to the cans clanking together. You laid down your backpack, and put down the blanket that you had found. It was so very uncomfortable, but you didn’t have another option. For now you would have to make this work. You poured the now purified water into your cantine, and drank slowly. The warmness of the liquid did help settle your constantly pained stomach. It also offset the cold chill from the nearing winter. You pulled yourself into the sleeping bag which you had found at the cabin. It was an amber colored bag and helped keep you warm throughout nights. You could already tell that this would be a particularly chilly night. You pulled your knees to your chest and fell asleep. The noises from the creek seemed to calm your body, as it was often to fall asleep. This night it was almost instant. Part of that, definitely was from the pregnancy and exhaustion. But water close made you feel safe. Happy. 

You awoke quickly to a snapping noise coming from a twig. You jolted up, there were three men infront of you. They all looked big and terrifying, holding guns. They looked almost like the inhabitents of that cabin. One of them was a big and fat redheaded man. He had a beard, and was a leather vest. The other was tall, with brown hair and a receding hairline. He was fat as well, grinning at you. The third was standing inbetween the two men. He was dressed in a hoodie. He looked the youngest out of the three. He was skinny, and had long dark hair framing his face. He also had a beard, and was staring at you with an evil twinkle in his eyes. 

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