Chapter 1

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"So which one of you pricks is the leader?" Asked Negan.
Your heart was pounding rapidly as you saw the events unfold in front of you. Rick grimes, the man you trusted more than anything was slowly breaking down in front of your eyes. You find it hard to kneel in front of this bastard. Your long hair fell in front of your eyes as you stared blankly at the asshole in front of you. It was hard to focus when all you could think of was Rick. You wanted him to be safe more than anything. You wanted your whole family to be safe. As Negan gave his speech you looked towards Rosita. She was your best friend. Your relationship developed right from the day you met her. You, Glenn, and Tara had been rescued by Abraham Rosita, and Eugene.
"You don’t really think that you are going to get through this without being punished." Negan projected at Rick who was shaking.
All you wanted to do was punch the asshole in the face for taunting your boyfriend like he was.
Rick gulped and looked at you quietly.
"I don’t want to kill you people, I want to make that clear from the get go. I want you to work for me. You can’t do that if you’re dead, now can you. But you killed my people, a whole damn lot of them, more than I am conformable with and for that you have got to pay. So now, I am going to beat the holy hell out of one of you "
You let out a quiet sob when you saw Negan taunt maggie. After ordering Glenn to go back in line. You held your breath as he swaggered towards you.
"Relax darlin."
"It'll all be over in a minute, after one of you pays." You refused to look at the man who was swinging around his baseball bat like it was a prize.
"Look at me doll." He said quietly.
You kept you gaze to the floor. Negan bent down and pressed Lucille on your cheek. You shivered at the cold prick of the barbed wire. He pushed it up your chin causing you to lift your head up and stair straight into the devils eyes.
"So which one of these men has the pleasure to be with someone as beautiful as you? I mean I see you don't have many options but surely someone has snatched you up. Ain't many hotties left in this world."
"Stop it!" Rick yelled trying to defend you.
Negan snickered releases Lucille from your chin, causing your head to fall.
Negan walked towards Rick.
"She's yours isn't she?"
Rick didn't answer.
"Yeah she is definitely your girl... I've gotta say Rick, I'm impressed. You scored!"
"Stop it!" Rick yelled causing Negan to snarl.
"Do not make me kill a beauty like this Rick! Do not make the world less sexy! I have got to pick somebody.
I simply cannot decide. I got an idea."
You gasped for air as he began walking around the semicircle of your family. Picking someone to die.
"Eeny, meeny, miny, mo, catch a tiger by his toe, if he hollers, let him go, my mother told me to pick the very best one, and you are it."
He placed Lucille on Abraham causing you to gasp.
"Anybody moves, anybody says anything cut the boy’s other eye out and feed it to his father and then we’ll start. You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry, hell you are all going to be doing that."
He forcefully slammed Lucille on Abraham's skull causing you to cry out in horror. Blood splattered on your face from the blow. After all of the hits Abraham was finally dead. You cried just imagining the pain he was feeling.
"What? Was the joke that bad?"
You looked over at your best friend, Rosita crying in pain.

"Sweetheart Lay your eyes on this. Oh, damn. Were you - Were you together? That sucks."
You close your eyes, all you wanted to do was hug her.
"But if you were, you should know there was a reason for all this. Red - and hell, he was, is, and will ever be red. He just took one or six or seven for the team! So take a damn look." Rosita remained still. You felt rage. Rage for him provoking you. Hurting everyone in the group. Shooting Daryl. Damn everything.
"Take a damn look!" The rage built up in your stomach and you jumped up in rage. Before anyone could stop you, you punch Negan straight across the jaw. Before you could throw another punch you were thrown onto the ground by several of Negan's men. You noticed Daryl's crossbow pointed right at you. You knew you were dead.
"Should we kill her?" Asked one of the men.
Negan smirked at you.
"Kill her? Hell no Dwight.. we ain't monsters." He bent down and looked at you.
"What do you think princess? You wanna come home with me?" You spat in his face, enraging him.
"You see guys, that is a no no. I told you, the first one is free... you're all emotional. But I told you the second one that I would shut that shit down! So... back to it!" Negan swung the bat on Glenn's head. You screamed loudly in pain. It was all your fault.
The next few hours were waiting for Rick to return from his trip with Negan. You hugged your knees and cried as you waited for them return. You knew that there was nothing that would ever make your family move on after everything that happened.
Rick returned with absolute horror on his face. All you want is to reach him. All you want is go to him and try to help him. You wanted to talk to him, to comfort him. But instead you were stuck watching him be tortured by that animal. You were forced through tears to watch him almost cut off his sons arm. When it was over Negan told everyone
"Welcome to the new world you sorry shits!" Negan walked towards you slowly.
"Ready to come to your knew home tuts?"
Before you could answer you were shoved into the back of a truck by a few men.
"No!" Right yelled, trying to reach you
"Please let me say goodbye." He was pushed to the ground by a savior.
"I love you." You shouted to Rick. Your boyfriend began to answer but he didn't have the chance before the doors closed.
The darkness filled the space and you couldn't see anything. As the vehicle started up you curled up, hugging your legs to your chest and started crying. Tears fell from your cheeks as you relived to horrors of the night. You didn't realize where you were going, but you that whatever shit happened it couldn't be worse than the horrors that occurred this night.

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