Chapter 11

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You and Negan make a shocking discovery that will change the course of both your actions forever. You remember your time after being captured by The Governor and your first kiss with Rick.


Hang on tight y'all... Things are about to get juicy! Also, there are two POV's in this chapter and I have been thinking about doing this more often. We switch to a POV of Rick in the flashbacks of this chapter. Please let me know if this is something that you would like me to continue, possibly with a Negan POV or more Rick. I hope y'all enjoy! Also I love reading any feedback so feel free to comment anything. I really want to hear what you all think of the story, if there is something you dislike or think I should improve upon please lmk.

Chapter Text

I'm only flesh and blood
But I can be anything that you demand
I can be King of everything
Or just a tiny grain of sand
Now tell me

Is that anyway for a man to carry on
Do you think that I want my loved one gone
I love you
More than you'll ever know
I said I love you
I love you, I love you, hey
Don't want nobody else but you -

Donny Hathaway - I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know

You woke up to the sound of a single gunshot, and opened your eyes slowly. It was all blurry at first.

“Is she bit?” you heard one voice say.

“Is she alive?”

Your eyes began to focus and you saw Rick Grimes looking at you. He was close. Inches away from you. His lips were moving but you couldn’t seem to hear. Looking back you believed he said 

“Just hang on, you’re going to be okay.”

The chains were detached from your limbs and you were scooped up by Rick, and two other people. Later you found out that the two others were Daryl and Tyreese. You didn’t remember much else. You remembered looking up at the night sky. You remembered moving in what you assumed was a car, your head in a woman's lap. Michonne, maybe? You remembered the men running with your body back to the prison. And you remember as Beth and Hershel began to heal you and save you. There was a constant ringing in your ears for at least two days. Two days that you hardly ever remembered. You recalled a few things, Beth lifting up your head to give you water.  Your arm was in a cast. Your head was completely bandaged up, and your ankles and wrists had bandages from the chafing of the cuffs. The one clear memory you had, was a few days later. You were finally back in your cell, in your old room. There were water bottles lying in the room with wildflowers in them. The closest thing to bouquets, you supposed. And Rick was sitting in your room. A concerned expression was written on your face. He was in a chair next to your bed, you didn’t know how long he had been in there. He was leaning in your direction, his elbows were on his knees and his head rested in his hands. You hadn’t spoken at all since Andrea had died. Not a single word. Your head was still pounding, and you didn’t want to say anything, but as the man leaned towards your body with extreme anxiety you knew what you had to say.

“She wanted me to tell you she tried.” 

“How did you know?” You asked Negan one morning. 

The two of you had stayed pretty silent that morning as you were both drinking your coffee on his leather loveseat. It had been over a week since your attempt, and you were doing well. Going on jogs in the morning, still smoking… that was a habit you didn’t think you would ever break. You also weren’t getting sick as often. Sometimes you would get nauseous, but you only threw up once. You guessed it was just a bug, and let it pass. You were in your robe, and he was in a white shirt and jeans. 

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