19 - mesmerize..

94 9 7

this book really ending damn.

jaycee pov

i walk toward the house with the twins and see the door wide open, i quickly run in the house and look around " yara!" i call out, no answer

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i walk toward the house with the twins and see the door wide open, i quickly run in the house and look around " yara!" i call out, no answer. i look down and see a note. 

"since yala couldnt have the kids, she took yara instead." beside it was a phone. labeled "call now times running out" so i grab the phone and dial the only contact in it "well, about time you called." i hear yala's voice "where the hell is yara." i demand "aht not so fast, i'd watch what you say and how you say it darling. now listen carefully,  im gonna send you intructions i suppose you do them or else." then she hangs up. 

oh shit. whats going on. "welp, twins looks like your going to auntie neeka's house again" i say and drop them back off.

a message pops up on the phone.


go to 7eleven and make a pina colada slurpee, extra pina less colada. make sure its right and the straw is perfectly placed. then go to deon's tire shop parking lot.


thats all she wants- seriously. i hit jalen up (her best friend from the beginning) 

jalen santeno, 18 graduated, lives in denver with his girlfriend amaia lopez

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jalen santeno, 18 graduated, lives in denver with his girlfriend amaia lopez. drug dealer/gangbanger.

best bro

-ay, i need some help ill tell you everything, pull up to 7eleven.

ight i gotchu 

i pull up to 7eleven, make the slurpee and wait for jalen. he pulls up and hops in my car. i tell him everything. "damn thats fucked up" he says "yeah, so i need you as backup in case she tries something else" i say and drive to deon's


-im here.

good, now a purple van, red, maroon i dont know should be pulling up. give it to them. 

this some weird ass shit "ight some van should be coming" i say "ay, is it red?" jalen says "yeah." i hop out with jalen behind me and i hand the man the slurpee. he sips it and nods his head. he calls someone "yeah, its good" they say into the phone "alright, bye" "she said check the phone for further instructions" the guy says then gets into the van. 

"bro? where the hell is yara. this shit stupid" i tell jalen 

we get into the car and i check the phone


okay. either music city kitchen, or lous bar is about to get shot up. yara is in the lobby of one of those. choose wisely. tick tock.

i show jalen " aight ill go to music city, you go to lous" he says

and dont even think about sending someone to the one you dont go to. as soon as they grab her they both die.

"nah cant do that bro look" i show him. " damn well lets go. which one?" jalen says.

since yall mfs aint wanna help me out on this chapter thats all folks.

thanks for reading. ily bbs.

also im not making the second book anymore <3.

vote and comment ty. <3

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