Why not, Lets cry some more Chapter 9

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Authors Note:

Hello to my wonderful readers.

 I know most of you wont read this and I'm okay with that. I just wanted to tell those who will accually read my little note that I'm very glad that people are enjoying my story.I love getting feed back, so if your confused about anything or you just want to tell me your opinion on my story I would be glad to hear/read it.

Be funky fresh, your author,



Chapter 9:

             That night I cried and cried and cried some more. I havent cried this hard since Gina died. But I stayed curled up in Matt's arms and cried for a couple of hours and he didn't say a word. I was practly on his lap but he didn't seem upset about it. I think I was unleashing all the bottled up feeling that have been building up since seventh grade.

        I think he was truely worried about me. I was still crying pretty hard.  But he just sat there. Comforting me. I havent thought of Carly or Gina since eight grade. Not even a single memory or even a dream.

            Once I was done embrassing myself infront of Matt, I told him 'i was fine and He went back to bed. But since he left that let my thoughts free to wonder. I started to think about how just one single event changed my life.

         After the accident Carly stopped talking to me. I think she blamed me for Gina's death. She most likely thought I didn't do anything to try and save her. Soon after she stopped talking to me, she moved to another state.

         People say it was bacuse she couldnt stand the sight of me and the memories of her and Gina were to over welming or it was because her Dad got a promotion and they had to move because of his job. Either way she was gone as well. I know for a fact that Gina's death took its toll on her as well. At least she didnt have to witness it like I did.

          After Gina died I didn't leave my room for a long time. My mom was nice enough to enrolled me in home schooling classes so I wouldn't fall too far behind. I did enjoy the online stuff. Didn't have to worry about people.

           I got all my work done in the comfort of my room. So I didn't go back to school for about eight months but my mom thought it was best if I went back to public school. She thought I needed human interaction, but that was the thing I didn't want.

             And when I did go back I didnt talk to anyone. If anyone did  try and talk to me, I would just get up and walk away. I became very distant with everyone even my parents. Seeing your friend die can do that to a person.

          The kids at my school thought I was a rude person and I was self centered, dumb asses. I was far from self centered. Not going to lie, I was rude. I truely didn't want simpathy or new friend. I was a little scared to get new friends. I didn't want them to die or leave me, either.

The kids at my school started makeing up rumors like:

 - pulled her infront of me so I wouldn't get shot

 -I paid someone to shoot her because I was jealous of her

          Or other stupid things like that. And because of these stupid rumors during school I got into many fights, most of the fights I got in were if anyone said anything bad about Gina I would hit them even if it was during class. I didn't care, I became a very tempermental and emotionless person, if you could imagine. 

           I went from a happy go lucky person to a emotionless robot that would get into a fight at least once a day. I have calmed down since then. I changed my fighting ways once I got into highschool. I stayed up for a few more hours thinking of my wonderful old friends, I fell asleep soon after that.

Next morning:

         I woke up around nine in the morning due to Tankers meowing and pawing at my face. "I love you my little kitty but you have to let momma sleep." I rolled around a few times in my bed and tried to wipe the sleep from my eyes before letting out a big yawn and then I picked up Tankers,

        I crawled out of bed, i most likely looked like a zombie with a kitten side-kick. I opened the door and sat Tankers down on the ground. I peeked a look into my parents bedroom expecting a man named Matt to be in there but it was empty and the bed was made and with the pj's I lent him neatly folded on the end of the bed.

         A lovely smell was coming from the kitchen. Again expecting Matt to be in there but it was empty. I wonder where Matt e\went off to? But I did see what was making the deilous smell. Someone had made breakfast and they went full out. It was mostly Matt, hes so nice.

           Potatos, gravy, an omlet even sausage. I'm going to be eating well this morning. I went to the frigde to get Tankers milk for his breakfast but then I spotted a note taped to my frigde. It was a single piece of lined paper and apon closer exoection I found out it was note from Matt. I pulled it off the figde and began to read it.

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