The note Chapter 10

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A little recap:

I went to the frigde to get Tankers milk for his breakfast but then I spotted a note taped to my frigde. It was a single piece of lined paper and apon closer exoection I found out it was note from Matt. I pulled it off the figde and began to read it.


I truely didn't know what to expect when I picked up the note off the fridge. But as I started to read a foreign feeling began to set in.  

Dear Tyler,  

I'm sorry for dipping out on you this morning, even though you helped me with my wounds. thank you for helping me. I might of not healed so well without your help. Things are becoming very bad at home so I had to leave to go and fix the mess. I am glad to have fallen onto your doorstep and not someone else's. Thank you again. 

yours truly, 


Once I was done reading his note I didn't notice the few tears that were spilling over and that were running down my face and that were landing onto the note, smudging up the ink on his hand written note . God I'm crying again, I don't remember ever being such a cry baby. Then noticed a weird feeling was settling in the pit if my stomach.

Was this feeling sadness?, no.

Was it anger?, no.

Oh I remember this feeling. It was how I felt once Gina died and Carly left me, loneliness. Why an I'm feeling this way, it's not like i have know Matt all my life, and I shouldn't be having these feeling for a guy I just met.

I crumpled up the note and threw it over my shoulder. I then walked over to my little Tankers and grabbed him then, once again, started crying. i was in hysterics. Balling into my little kittens soft orange fur.

Why am I so sad and lonely because he left. My parents are coming back. I have my little Tankers to keep me company, what else do I need. But I am not going to lie, he did give me a small since of warmth in my cold insides.

"Well crying about it won't help!" I said to myself. Tankers just looked up at me and meowed.

"Don't worry Tankers, I fine." I truely didn't sound very convincing, but my little kitty crawled a little closer to my face and licked my nose.

"Thanks Tankers." I kissed the top of his head and he meowed at me. " let's get you breakfast now shall we." I put him down and went back to the fridge and pulled out the milk.

I grabbed Tankers own little food dish, it was small and green with Tankers written on the front. Once I poured in the milk in the bowl, I put it back done on the ground next to his matching water dish.

Once the bowl was on the ground,Tankers rushed over to the bowl,"slow down there little buddy." He didn't listen to me. I shook my head at the little kitten. I made a plate of food that Matt made and went to sit down on the couch.

Since it was the weekend, I don't have anything todo. I could head down to the shop,see of there's any work. Maybe after I eat breakfast.

While I began to eat the food. Which was some of the best food I ever had. The first bite I swear..., I went to cloud nine.  

But beside the great food, my thoughts did drift towards Matt.

What kind of trouble he is in?

Will he be okay?

Has his wounds fully healed?

What if he's still hurt?

Will he ever come back?

Okay I need to stop this. If he comes back he comes back. I only met the guy for a night. Okay I need todo something to distract me from thinking.

I quickly finished my food. Put by dishes in the sink and grabbed Tankers and headed off to my room. I changed out of my pj's and into my dark skinny jeans and a black tight v-neck. I put Tankers on my bed and kissed him on his head then headed for the door.

On my way out the door, I grabbed my old converse and my leather jacket then headed out the door. Once I got to the garage I grabbed my helmet off the handle of babe and headed for the shop.


Hope you guys enjoyed 

the story :3

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