I smell a smelly-smell (Matt's Pov) Chapter 16

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Matt's Pov:

     God, I have just been so pissed off lately. My friends are saying I'm more moody than a girl on her period. That's sad, I a man. I shouldn't be compared to a girl on a regular basis.

      I don't know why I have been acting like this. I have been so on edge for about a year now.  Just not being able to think of a reason on why I'm so pissed, just makes me even more pissed.

     And don't even get me started on mates. I can feel my blood start to boil when I see those "lovey-dovey mates." Them with there kissy faces and love filled eyes just gets my blood start to boil.

     The pack has learned now not to show their "mate love" in front  of me. I don't know why it upsets me so much. At this point I don't even know if its my anger or my wolfs. But I highly doubt its my wolf because he's been a sad mope ever since I met that Tyler girl.

      I cant have a depressed inner wolf, it just doesn't work as Alpha. He's my rock, my go to guy, the thing that I need to assure me that I am making the right decision as the leader.

      I have been sent on patrol because my dad thinks it will help me control my anger but all it has done is given me time to think more and it has done nothing to help my anger. 

      But its better than sitting in an office doing paper work that's for sure. I can see little Garrett running over to me with his mop of golden hair just flying all over the place. He was about fourteen but he was pretty big for a fourteen year old.

        But he came just in time for me to stop walking back and forth before I got dizzy. I locked at where I was walking I noticed that I created a path in the tall grass. He told me it was his turn to patrol this spot and so I got up and left that post.

     I wasn't really feeling going back to the house, mostly because I didn't want to deal with my father. So I decided to just take a little walk through the forest, where is the harm in that.

      I made sure to tell Garrett that I was going for a walk and that I didn't know when I'll be back so they do have to worry if I'm gone for a while. He seemed to be unsure about it but let me go anyway.

    Once I was hidden by the trees, I stripped down and tied my shorts around my ankle. I didn't feel like dealing with my shirt so I just left it on the ground. I had many of that same shirt so losing one wont kill my wardrobe.

    I had my shorts with me  just in case I wanted to stop in town, I didn't want to do that butt naked. So once I knew the shorts were tied tightly enough that I knew that they wouldn't fall I was off into the woods.

    The only thing I don't like about being a werewolf is the transformation. The main reason because it hurts like hell. And if you ever hear anyone say that it doesn't hurt, their fucking liars.

     The process of transforming is (the short version) your skin rips off to be replaced with fur. That part over time kind of turns into a tingling sensation, so that isn't what hurts.

    But the part where every bone in your body turning into those of a wolf does hurt. So I just kind of went into auto pilot and just pictures my wolf in my head and felt him stirring in the pit of my stomach.

  I felt the tingles and braced for the pain. I have transformed so may times that I can deal with the pain better than I did the first time I shifted. I passed out from the pain when I first transformed but come on who didn't.

    Then I felt my bones cracked, shifted, and broke, then in short amount of time I was a all black wolf. I shook my fur out and I was off. I had no idea where I was going I just let my wolf lead me.

     The trees started to blur since I was running so fast.  I don't even know why I was running so fast but my wolf just felt like he needed to get somewhere. Half way threw the forest I was hit by this smell.

       I couldn't even describe this smell even if I wanted to. It was just one of those smells that when you smelt them it made you think of spring time. I don't know why but I couldn't control my wolf after that.

     I truly lost control. He let out a big old howl that would have woken up china. I was getting worried because he has never acted like this before. So he just kept on following the scent like a hound dog.

     I soon got to the edge of the forest and I was out of breath. But for the second time my wolf let out a howl like he found something. I just looked at where we ended up and all I saw was a run down junk yard with a big warehouse and a tall wooden fence around it.

   I then noticed a wooden bench in font by the wooden fence and it looked pretty comfy. So I took back control over my wolf by pushing back in my mind and he was usually pretty easy to control but this time it was a little harder.

    But once I gained full control  I walked over to the wooden bench. I could smell that scent all over this property. I think I was smelling the owner. But with all that speed running I was too tired to care.

   It didn't look like many people come around here, so I think its safe enough to take a little nap. I laid down on the bench to find out it wasn't too comfortable but I didn't care at this point I just needed a rest. I let my eyes close with my snout being filled with the smell of spring.


I have for filled some of your guys request and made a chapter in Matt's pov.

It may nto be the best chapter but at least its something.

I glad that those that are reading my story enjoy it.

I hope you guys did like this chapter.

Your author.

Cat Lover But a Wolf Lover Too. (werewolf lovestory) [Under Construction!!!]Where stories live. Discover now