You Idiot!

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Rin was currently giggling his brains out as he leaned on a tree outside. He had a half-empty can in one hand and trying to grab the air with the other. In other words: acting like an idiot. His face was flushed and he had the strong scent of alcohol on him, not a good sign for a minor. As Rin was giggling, he didn't notice the person with messy blonde hair staring at him questionably.

The unnatural blonde quirked an eyebrow at the scene before him. He didn't know who the kid was, just that he was a minor and maybe drunk. How this kid got alcohol on the premises, he'll never know. So he just shrugged the problem off as "not his" and continued on with his work.

Rin was still trying to control the monstrosity of giggles that he was having. He then saw a man that looked like a very tall Konekomaru, so he followed him. Well, more or less stumbled.

As he stumbled, the man turned a corner, so Rin stumbled along. He was very far behind the man, yet he still tried to keep up. Rin would giggle every once in a while, but other than that, he kept his giggles contained. Shocking.

Once Rin finally rounded the corner, he saw Suguro sitting on the steps. Sleeping with a can in his hand. Rin looked down at his can, then downed the rest of it and crushed it as he slowly made his way towards his friend.

Suguro was currently mumbling to himself, as he thought he heard chanting. He was reminiscing a moment where he used to listen to his father chant in the temple when even though he knew he shouldn't be in the temple.

Rin accidentally tripped and landed on his face when he was about 7 feet from Suguro. Causing his crushed can to fly out of Rin's hand and hit Suguro's shoulder.

Suguro groggily pryed open his eyes and looked to the sound of the noise. He turned his head and looked down, seeing Okumura on the ground and a crushed can next to Suguro where he was sitting. Suguro gently picked up the can and stared at it, then at Okumura. Then he chucked the can right at Okumura's head. The can hit him dead center and bounced off his head.

Rin jerked his head up after feeling something hit his head. He looked up and saw Suguro, he then broke into a smile and tried to quickly sit up. Emphasis on "tried." As he struggled to get up, Suguro just watched the young half-demon. The hell's wrong with 'im?

As Rin finally sat up, a strange thought came to Suguro: Okumura's kinda cute when he's hammered. Wait, what?! Okumura?! Cute?! The hell?! No!!

Suguro grabbed his hair and shook his head violently to clear his head from that ludicrous thought. That insane thought. That-that... that... that thought that Okumura is cute is untrue. It's false because Okumura isn't cute... He's adorable.

Suguro shook his head once again. Rin tilted his in confusion and furrowed his eyebrows a little in worry and concern. "Bon?" Suguro whipped his head to see that Okumura was still there - looking adorable with his head tilted like that. I wonder if his tail is - NO!! Nonononono!! No!! I will not finish that thought!! Suguro screwed his eyes shut and clutched his hair. Rin looked at Suguro with even more worry.

Rin grabbed Suguro's wrists and forcefully put his arms at his sides. Rin narrowed his eyes at Suguro "What. Is. Wrong." He asked, more or less demanding for an answer.

Suguro stared into Rin's slightly clouded eyes. Even though they were cloudy, Suguro thought he saw them glimmer in the moonlight along with the light coming from the ryuuken. Suguro's eyes widened a tiny bit, then, without thinking, he turned his wrists so he was the one holding Rin, and smashed his lips against Rin's soft, delicate ones. It was a bit sloppy, but Suguro didn't care.

Rin's eyes were widened like saucers. S-Suguro... is k-kissing me!! Holy hell!!

Suguro gently moved his lips along Rin's and let go of Rin's wrists to cup his face. Rin's eyes slowly closed. Before Suguro could deepen the kiss any further, Suguro's eyes widened like saucers and he pushed Rin away, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand once.

"The hell, Okumura?!"

Rin looked confused at Suguro, who accompanied a small blush on his cheeks. Then Rin grew furious with Suguro "What do ya mean "The hell"?! You kissed me!! If you somehow forgot!"

"Why didn't ya push me off?!"

"Why did ya kiss me?!"

They both stood roughly and stomped off in opposite directions, becoming furious at each other for different reasons.

While they stomped off, steaming and furious, neither of them noticed a pair of honey-colored eyes, as wide as plates, staring right at them with his mouth agape. This young lad had a feature no one could top, but he saw something that probably just did the trick.

Bon kissed... Okumura.

{A.N. the description isn't working 'cause I fucked it up. So, this is about BonxRin (if you haven't figured it out yet.) There may be Mpreg, but that depends on you, my fellow yaoi fans! Enjoy, my pesky little yaoi vultures!!!}

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