Five Fingers to Four

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(A/N I haven't updated in so long, so I'm posting this little chappy until I post the next chapter. I promise, I'll have it up soon. Promise.)

Rin was currently bored out of his mind as he wandered the school grounds. He flipped his pocket knife in his hand and caught the handle, he did this again and again as he walked around.

There weren't any students around because it was a school holiday... for regular school kids. Even if it were for both, Rin wouldn't have anywhere to go.

Rin heaved a sigh as he saw a couple of tables. He let a smile play on his lips as he went over to one of them and sat down. He put his hand on the table top leisurely and recalled the song softly.

"There is an old tradition -- a game we all can play. You start by getting liquored and sharpening your blade. You take a shot of whiskey, then grab you knife and pray. You spread apart your fingers, and this is what you say."

He began to place the blade of the knife in between the spaces of his spread-apart fingers along with the beat as he sung.

"Oh, I have all my fingers -- the knife goes "chop chop chop!" If I miss the space in between, then they will come off! And if I hit my fingers, the blood will soon come out. But all the same, we play this game, 'cause that's what it's all about!

No, you cannot use a pencil, you cannot use a pen -- the only way is with a knife, when danger is your friend! Some may call it stupid, some may call it dumb, but all the same, we play this game because it's so damn fun!

Oh, I have all my fingers -- the knife goes "chop chop chop!" If I miss the space in between, then they will come off! And if I hit my fingers, the blood will soon come out. But all the same, we play this game, 'cause that's what it's all about!"

His movements with the knife picked up in pace as his singing became faster.

"Oh, chop chop chop chop chop chop chop -- I'm picking up the speed! And if I hit my fingers, my hand will start to bleed!" He laid the knife down as he smiled. He successfully did the game without cutting himself.

""Five Finger Filet" huh? Stupid game. People --"

"Get their fingers cut off because of it -- I know." Rin deadpanned as he knew that it was Bon who said that. "But I'm a demon, I can easily heal from a little stab like this." Bon scoffed at Rin "Still, you're posing as a bad example."

"To who?!" Rin waved his arms around, gesturing to the empty courtyard. "There's no one around!!" Bon crossed his arms as he said "Teachers could still catch you -- you could end up getting expelled."

Rin looked away from Bon. He was right, and if he got expelled, that'd be really bad. He's trying his best to stay in school and pass. But he can't really do either if he gets expelled. "Yeah, you're right. Sorry."

Bon was surprised by Rin's sudden apology. He looked at Rin and rubbed the back of his neck, "No need ta apologize, rea--"

"But you just made me realize that I could've been seen doing that game by someone else. It could've been a teacher, or Me--Mr. Faust. So... sorry and... thanks."

Bon smiled softly as he sat in the seat next to Rin. Rin stared at Bon as he stared back, both began smiling at each other. "No problem, Okumura."



"Call me Rin."

"I... I don't know 'bout that, O--"

"Just do it, ya chicken."

Bon sighed as another smile graced his lips again. "Shut up... Rin."

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