A Night To Forget

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Rin was sitting at a table, eating breakfast when Shima sat down in the seat in front of him. "Did ya get ta yer bed alright?" Shima asked - wanting to know if Rin even remembered last night.

"Don't remember." Shima gave Rin the 'really?' face. "I guess it was good I didn't drink last night." Shima said with a small laugh. I could've ended up doing something stupid like that if I did. Shima thought. Rin looked confused at Shima.

"Are ya sure you should be talking ta me so casually?" Rin asked the pinkette. Shima looked at Rin and asked "What do ya mean?"

"Yer brothers an' everyone else, right? What if they found out an'-"

As if he was suddenly called by the heavens themselves, Kinzo and his foot flew through the air and slammed into Shima's head. But everyone else in the room knew because 1) No one directed their attention to the small group. 2) And because Kinzo was yelling before and while he kicked his youngest brother in the head.

Kinzo laughed sadisticly as he pinned his brother down on the ground as he was on top of his back. Shima wanted to scream "Rape!", but then his brother would kick his ass even more, plus no one in the ryuuken would believe him. They knew the brothers well.

"Hey, Renzo! Why're you avoiding us, huh?" He asked his brother while laughing. Kinzo had somehow twisted Shima's arm behind his back, but before the torture could continue, Kinzo caught sight of Rin.

"Oh, hey!" He let go of Shima's arm and stood up. Shima's older brother, Juzo, held out his hand and helped Shima up.

"I remember ya from last night! Yer that kid that got into a fight with Bon!" He said, as Shima sat back down at his spot "Yeah, those guys fight all the time." They just don't kiss before they fight. Shima left that part out.

"I saw ya before it happened - ya looked seriously hammered, man." Kinzo said to Rin, while Rin was staring up at Kinzo. "We got into a fight?" Rin asked with a mouthful of food, which sounded like "We cot inta a bight?" Rin quickly swallowed his food.

"Yeah, I heard the yelling from the garden. You guys have quite the pair of lungs." Shima let out a breath Good, so he doesn't know about them kissing. Shima thought, relieved.

"Did anything else happen? What did we fight about - I can't remember a thing from last night." Rin said to Kinzo. Kinzo scratched his head "Ya guys fought about you two, well..." Kinzo sat down and whispered low enough for only Rin to hear "You two kissing. I don't disapprove, but at least try ta maintain a good relationship with him. If he rejects ya, he ain't for ya. Got it, kid?" Kinzo said, as he patted Rin's back and smiled at the younger male. Rin stared ahead of him at nothing, confused and a bit scared. Maybe even horrified.

Shima then remembered something "Oh right! Kinzo, Juzo, this is my friend, Okumura, Rin. We go to the same school."

"Ya making sure that Renzo isn't getting into trouble, Rin?" Juzo asked with a laugh. ""Renzo"?" Rin asked Shima, snapping out of his confused and slightly horrified daze. "Yeah, that's my first name. Ya didn't know that?" Shima said to his raven-haired friend. Rin shook his head "No." Shima just chuckled at his friends' obliviousness "No worries, man."


Rin was sitting outside on the very steps where he had the kiss with Suguro, yet he didn't know exactly what happened.... or that he was sitting on the very steps where it happened.

He was looking down at the ground as he wondered about last night and what Kinzo had told him. Me... and Suguro?! Kissed?! Wait... we fought about US kissing... or... someone we both wanted ta kiss...? .... Probably not.

Rin hung his head in defeat and muttered "Will anything go right for me?" Rin sighed as his head was still hung down.

"Pro'ly not."

Rin jumped and stared at the culprit who scared the living shit out of him. What he saw was an even bigger shock/surprise.

Ryuji was looking down at Rin with his hands shoved in his pockets. He had his usual scowl, but it seemed a little... less angry. "Uhhhh...." was all Rin managed to get out. Ryuji's scowl deepened a tiny bit "We need ta talk 'bout last night." He said as he took his hands out of his pockets and crossed his arms.

Rin stuttered "Well... S-Suguro, ya see - well, uhm, well. Look Ry-"

"Listen, Okumura. I gotta ask ya jus' one question." Ryuji seemed to hesitate slightly and he began to fidget with his right sleeve.

"Uh, o-okay." Rin said, waiting for the anger to spill into his voice like a river. He anticipated the anger and hatred and disgusted words to come... but they never did. They sat there, then Ryuji finally gathered the courage he needed.

Ryuji breathed deeply, "Okumura..." he began.

{A.n. Alrighty! Second chapter, done! I'm glad y'all stuck around - whoever is reading this. If ya wanna see something, just tell me. Other then that... ENJOY, MY PESKY YAOI VULTURES!!!}

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