Frustrating Idiots

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"Stop! Nononono! Stopstopstopstopstop!!"

Rin pulled at the chain that attached onto the back of the trolley. A little mischevious demon just unhooked the trolley and put it in neutral - which meant that Rin spent two hours and forty-seven minutes trying to stop it. Five minutes ago, the trolley was just about to hit a group of kids crossing the street. Thanks to Rin - the only injury is one of the kids passed out... If you can call that an injury.

Rin panted as he sat down. One of the little kids ran up to Rin and said excitedly "Wow, mister! That was awesome! You're like a superhero, or something!"

Rin was surprised to hear that, but very happy as well. He smiled at the kid and said "Yeah. Yeah, I guess I am like one." The kid ran off and Rin was left sitting on the curb with a big smile forming on his face. He stood up, brushed the dirt off his pants, and started running back to the ryuuken.


Rin tried his best to quietly slip through the ryuuken doors, but luckily for him... Yukio was right there. "Rin." Rin cringed as he was about to make a break for it. He turned around and scratched the back of his neck. "H-Hey, Yukio. Wassup?" He chuckled nervously.

"Oh, nothing much. Just thinking about how you disobeyed my one rule for the day that was directed towards you." Rin thought for a moment. "Uhm..."

Yukio heaved sigh, "You weren't supposed to leave the property." Oh. That one rule.

"Well, to be honest, Yukio. You lay so many damn rules on me, that I can't keep track of them all." Rin tried to defend himself, but his efforts went in vain. Yukio just gave him one look that said, as clear as day, "You really wanna go there?" Rin gulped and immediately said "I'll... just go clean the garden now!" Then he ran to the backyard where the garden was.

Yukio was left standing there. He sighed and pushed his glasses up. "Damn, niisan." He muttered under his breath as he spun on his heel and left.

Rin was in the back of the ryuuken as he wandered around. He'll be more careful to try and avoid Yukio for the rest of the day.

He sighed as he stopped walking. He looked out to the pond and saw a couple of trees, he went to one of them and sat down. He rested his head against the bark as he closed his eyes and thought.

His mind wandered and he eventually fell asleep in the a shade of the tree. His dream was a bit off from peaceful, though.


"Hey! Rin!"

Rin spun around and was faced with Shiemi. He smiled politely and replied, "Oh, hey, Shiemi! How are ya?"

Shiemi's smile seemed to falter a bit, but not enough for Rin to notice. "I'm... I'm not doing so good, Rin."

Rin frowned. "What? What's wrong?"

Shiemi looked away. "It... it's Suguro-kun. He hasn't been talking very much lately and he mopes around all day," Shiemi cupped Rin's hands in hers "I'm worried about him, Rin!"

Rin nodded and ran past Shiemi. He didn't know where Bon was, but he could feel it.

Surprisingly, when he was running through the ryuuken, there was no one around. No helpers, none of his classmates, not even Yukio! As Rin ran he came to a big set of heavy double-doors. He used his demonic strength to heave open the doors with a grunt.

Rin looked around and saw that the room was fairly dark, but his vision soon adjusted and he saw the outline of a single person standing in the room. Rin cautiously walked towards the figure and asked "Yo. Suguro? You okay?"

The figure spun around which made Rin slightly gasp in surprise. A bright headlight clicked on as if watching the pair. Rin looked around and saw that everywhere around them besides the circle of light was utter darkness. Suguro was looking down at Rin with a deep scowl, as if Rin did something only he could do and Suguro was disappointed in him.

Rin looked up at Suguro and retorted his look with a glare. "What?!" He finally barked. Suguro grabbed Rin's shirt collar and lifted him up. Rin's glare was now long gone as it was now switched with a look of pure shock and a hint of fear. 

The spotlight clicked off for a second, except when there was light again, they were suddenly in a room. The classroom back in True Cross. Shima and Konekomaru were standing behind Suguro, trying to pull him back from Rin. Yukio was trying to get Suguro's death-grip off of Rin's collar as he threatened to have Suguro expelled.

Rin became expressionless as he gently laid his hands on top of Suguro's. He looked Suguro in the eye as he suddenly stopped looking so angry for once. His facial features softened and he gently set Rin back down on his feet. Suguro leaned towards Rin, and as Rin glanced around he noticed that they were in a now-empty classroom. He looked back at Suguro just before his lips made contact with Rin's. For some reason, Rin felt it was wrong to be kissing Suguro, so he slowly stepped back and out of Suguro's reach. He smiled apologetically and said "I'm sorry." Suguro looked crushed as he stared dumbfounded at Rin. "What do ya mean "You're sorry"?"

Rin rubbed his arm sheepishly as he looked down and said "It just... doesn't feel right for some reason."

"I can respect that."

Rin quickly looked up at Suguro to see that he was smiling softly, but Rin could tell he was a bit heartbroken. "But... can we be friends? We didn't exactly have 'the best' first impressions of each other." Rin smiled and nodded his head. "Yeah." He stuck out his hand and Suguro gladly took it. "I'm Okumura, Rin. I like ta cook and I piss off my younger twin brother a lot with my laziness."

Suguro chuckled as he said "My name's Suguro, Ryuji. I like ta study an' I'm tryin' real hard ta become the best exorcist."

"Don't forget how ya like ta exercise at the ass crack of dawn, Suguro." Rin snorted at his comment as Suguro just chuckled and rolled his eyes.


Rin awoke with a jolt as he looked around and saw that it was dark out and he was still outside. Rin heaved a sigh as he stood up and started walking inside. All the while thinking about his odd dream. Little did he know that Suguro had just awoken from his sleep as well. And he too had quite an odd dream.


There ya go! Another update. Again, so sorry for not posting this sooner, I procrastinated for too long. BUT, it's here now, so... enjoy! And, thank you for reading, my pesky little yaoi vultures!! 

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