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as time passes by [name] continues to breath heavily as her hands made it's way towards her chest and so she felt the intense rapid beating of her heart and she was sure that she could hear it pounding against her chest and the feeling made her uncomfortable as she felt as if she were being choked and suffocated, her breathing became uneven as she took deep breaths to calm her breathing heart.

how did this happen? the young girl did not know, all she did was sweep the floors and as time passes by her heart started to beat rapidly which resulted to her sit down on a nearby chair to calm herself down from the pounding of her chest unfortunately it had no sign of stopping sooner and because of this [name] decided to shakily walk outside the house to breath in some fresh air.

however when she walked out the door what she didn't expect was the gloomy weather that was waiting for her.

i feel sorry for the poor soul who's probably stuck in this rain.

[name] thought inside her head as she clutched her chest beginning to breath in and out once again, she wondered what was her friends doing and what are they thinking about in this current moment and while she pondered outside the house [name] failed to notice her mom standing in front of the doorframe looking at her daughter who was clutching her chest and breathing in and out rather heavily as if she just finished running a marathon.


a yelp came out of [name]'s mouth as she turned around and met the eyes of her mom who was staring directly at her with her intimidating eyes causing [name] to chuckle nervously "mom! i was just out for some fresh air because you can never go wrong with some fresh air!", the young woman smiled and fortunately for her, her mother nodded and walked back inside without further questions causing the younger to sigh and finally compose herself quickly.

as she was about enter back inside suddenly a masculine voice rang out "ah– wait a moment!", this person had an accent. [name] stopped for a moment as she turned around and caught sight of a tall young man about her age running up to her house without an umbrella which caused [name] to panic to hurry inside and quickly grab an umbrella before running up to the man and setting the umbrella on top the two of them, the young man was beyond surprised when she appeared in front of him with an umbrella on top of them both.

well ain't she cute.

he thought as a small grin made his way on his face before grabbing the umbrella from [name]'s hands and rushing forward to the front door with his hands grabbing hold of [name]'s hands as he patted her head and smiled at her direction "thanks for that!", he thanked her as she smiled and nodded at his direction, analyn appeared at the front door surprised when she saw her daughter with a man, the young man noticed analyn as he grinned at her direction.

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