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sitting at the table in the leaky cauldron I listen to ron tell me and hermione all about his trip to Egypt. Suddenly the door opens and Nico walks in with his black cat ajax in his arms. His eyes glide over the room before he comes over, pulls out a chair, and sits down. "Hey." He says casually. "hello." Ron responds. Suddenly theres a loud Thwack as hermione slaps Nico across the face.

"You insolent little shit!" Hermione yells through tears as she wails on Nico. "You waltz in here after all this time! After the stunt you pulled! Do you have any idea how worried we've been!" By this point Nico was on the floor curled up into a ball trying to shield his vital organs from Hermione's kicks. It took both Weasley twins to pull her off of him.

Nico pulls himself up off the ground and brushes off his aviators jacket. and frowns at Hermione. "yeah you know I'm gonna go with ouch." He says. Hermione's eyes flash. "So how was your summer Nico?" I ask trying to distract them before a full fight breaks out. Nico turns to me now. I see his familiar mask start to go up but then suddenly it stops. Nico sighs and sits back down. He turns his arms over and stares at his forearms. No doubt thinking about his old self harm habit. Ron and I exchange a nervous glance. Finally Nico speaks. "I've made a lot of mistakes. I've assumed a lot of things. But I've learned a lot this summer. a lot of things are different. I'm different now. But its for the better. Sometimes things have to fall apart to make way for better things." "Okay." George says awkwardly. its not like Nico to be so open and vulnerable.

suddenly there's a loud crack and a small house elf is standing on the table with a pile of packages. He bows to Nico. "Lord Diangelo. Your school shopping is complete." He says proudly. "Thanks topsy." Nico responds. "That's all for tonight." the elf bows again and with another crack disappears. Nico stands up. "alright, im going to bed." "Oh no you're not!" Mrs. Weasley shouts surprising everyone. "You look like you haven't eaten all summer. now sit down im gonna order you a good meal." Nico rolls his eyes. "You sound just like Will." he says. "Whos will?" I ask. "Hes my doc " Nico says before stopping mid sentence. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Hes my boyfriend." Nico says staring down at the table. after a moment of silence Hermione pulls nico into a hug so tight his face starts turning blue. "Ow." he gasps. "Hermione, I cant breathe." she releases him with a giant smile. "Im so glad you found someone who makes you happy." She says. Nico smiles shyly. out of the corner of my eye I see Fred pass George a coin."

When Nico's not at camp. (book the third)Where stories live. Discover now