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"Oh stop whining!" Nico shouts. "so you got a prophecy of death. We've all been there. and some of us are here to learn." everyone stares at nico. I shift over to him. "Uhm nico. most people aren't accustomed to constantly dying all the time." Nico raises and eyebrow. "For real." I nod. "and generally people might comfort their friends when their upset." nico looks back and forth from me to harry. then shrugs. "look harry, im the worst death omen in the world and you've been hanging around me for two years. so you really shouldn't worry about the grim."

Nico glances back over to me with an inquisitive look. I smile nervously. "that was great nico." the know it all deep inside me wanted to point out exactly how many times harry had almost died since meeting nico. but he was clearly not used to playing the role of emotional support. and he was trying so hard it seemed cruel to criticize his efforts.

As we walk down to hagrids hut Nico is chatting excidetly about animagus transformation. its refreshing to see nico enjoying life. until draco Malfoy starts running his mouth. blah blah blah schools going to hell, blah blah blah my father this and my father that. I wonder if he knows how much everybody hates him. im doubtful. that would require genuine introspection. finally nico sighs. turns around, and kicks Malfoy square between the legs. as Malfoy starts puking up blood Nico turns to crabbe and goyle. "either of you have anything to add?" the two goons pick up Malfoy and rush off to the infirmary. Nico turns back around. "Anywho. its probs too much to expect hagrid to stick to the approved curriculum huh?"

Nico was, of course, correct. Hagrid had skipped over most of the first term creatures and brought out a whole herd of hippogriffs. none of which seemed to like nico. But otherwise the class went off without a hitch. good thing Nico bodied Malfoy. he would have screwed everything up. as we sit down for lunch nico summons his house elf Topsy. "Go to the library and get me all the books on animagi." I cross my arms. "Nico. I sincerely hope you aren't planning on doing something reckless." Nico smirks. "You and I have a very different standard for reckless."

our last class of the day was defense against the dark arts. as Professor lupin leads us to the staff room all the students are chattering about what kind of lesson its going to be. finally we make it to the staff room. Snape taunts Neville. no surprise there. I wonder if we should file a complaint bout that. but finally professor lupin explains about the bogart.

Most of the students bogarts are perfectly ordinary. spiders, banshees, snakes, mean potion masters. the kind of things you would expect any ordinary 13 year old to be afraid of. but then nico steps up. and the whole class goes deadly quiet. Nico never seemed to be afraid of everything. deep down mosrt of us expect the bogart to be afraid of Nico. as Ncio stared down at the severed hand that had tried to scare dean, he had a determined look on his face. but as soon as the boggart transformed the anticipation turned to confusion. and it was clear from the sudden change in nicos posture that he hadn't been expecting this either. it wasn't some terrible beast or a viscious monster. Nicos boggart, as far as anyone could tell, was a perfectly ordinary girl. no older than us. she had wavy red hair and clothes covered in paint stains. She regarded nico for a second then broke into a big grin.

"Oh my god neeks! what on earth is this outfit! you look so adorable!" as the girl chattered away happily nico turns to lupin and nods his head towards her as if to say your boggart is broken. but then suddenly everything seemed to change. the girls eyes began to glow neon green and a green fog began to pour out of her mouth. Nico jumped back in alarm as the green smoke began to spread out covering the whole floor. the rest of the class can only look on in confusion until a raspy voice begins to speak. "I am " is all it has time to say before Nico raises his wand and shouts "ridikulus!" suddenly the girls entire face turns green. suddenly instead of spewing green fog shes projectile vomiting all over the class room. the entire class breaks out in hysterical laughter. except Harry, ron, and I who all know nico well enough to know when hes really upset. no one seemed to notice that nico had shadow traveled away. except professor lupin but he didn't seem to eager to draw attention to it. Ron leans over. "I think were in for one of our late night bull sessions with nico tonight."


sorry for the long delay between updates. have been sick.

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