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Under more normal circumstances the gryffindors would have been celebrating their defeat of hufflepuff. But no one was celebrating tonight. Nico seemed completely shell shocked. Not that anybody could blame him. But still it was kind of terrifying to see Nico so helpless after two years of being the most badass student in hogwarts history. And the last thing anyone needed was an extra reason to fear the dementors.
The teachers were all furious. After carrying Nico personally up to the infirmary and waiting for madam pomphrey to assure him Nico would be fine, dumblledore had floo powdered to the ministry to scream at Cornelius fudge in person. And on top of everything else Harry's nimbus 2000 had flown directly into the whomping willow, which doesn't generally take too kindly to being flown into. I can speak from experience on that. "Great, Nico's had a mental break down and our quidditch chances are ruined." I said gloomily. Hermione swats me over the head with a roll of parchment. "How can you be thinking of quidditch after what happened to Nico!!!" "Ouch" I shout as I cover my head. "I mentioned Nico too." But hermione still looks furious. I think she's still got a crush on him.

"harry, Ron, hermione." Professor lupin calls at the end of our next DADA class. "A word in my office please." We call took seats in Lupins office as he closed the door. "How is Nico doing?" We exchange looks. The dementors had taken a real toll on Nico. He was still in the infirmary. Wed been visiting him daily to bring him his schoool work so he didn't fall behind. But he hadn't been very talkative. It seems he was shaken to his core. Professor Lupin sighs.

"Professor." Harry asks. "Why did the dementors single out Nico? Why do they affect him so much more than anyone else?" I glance side long at Harry. I know he wanted to say us. Harry didn't have it as bad as Nico. But the dementors had laid him out on the train too. And judging by the knowing look on lupins face he understood too.

Lupin sighed. "The first time Nico met dementors they couldn't even see him. He was so miserable already they just couldn't do anything more to him. It's rather ironic really that healing has made him so vulnerable.""Maybe you could teach ..." Harry trails off. "Yeah!" I announce. "You could teach all of us how to shoot that silver stuff." A look of gratitude crosses Harrys face. Lupin smirks. "Sure, why not. But after the holidays. For now, I need to rest."
Sorry the update took so long. I'm just kind of a piece of shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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