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"speak up Mr. Diangelo." Mcgonnogal commands as I mumble to myself. I look up from my time turner. "Oh its nothing." gods even I can hear how dejected I sound. she frowns at me."Ms. Granger. you're dismissed." Fuck me backwards with a lead pipe. Mcgonnogal waits for the door to close behind Hermione as she leaves. she pulls a bottle of butterbeer out of her desk and pours two glasses. "its nothing to be ashamed of Nico. the dementors are vile monstrosities. the effect they had on you was perfectly natural." I take a sip of my butterbeer but don't respond. "Would you care to talk about what you experienced?" "no." I say flatly. Mcgonnogal frowns. "I understand that you are a very private person. and I can respect that. But you don't need to suffer in silence. I want you to know that as your head of house im hear to support you." "thank you." I respond quietly. if I was the kind of person to show emotion in public I might just straight up cry. but apparently Mcgonnogal guesses what im feeling. cause she smiles softly. " "Oh by the way, you're still in serious trouble for the stunt you pulled at the end of year feast last year."

"So basically ive already got a weeks detention for something that happened when the semester was basically already over." I complain over breakfast. "well to be honest you kind of freaked everybody out with that whole plague and abomination, and return victorious or not at all thing." ron says. "and the dramatic exit was just adding insult to injury." Harry chimes in. "That speech was for the benefit of my ghosts. didn't anybody ever teach you its rude to eavesdrop?" What happened to riddles diary anyways?" Ginny asks. "Its locked up in its locked up in a safe place." I feel four pairs of eyes roll simultaneously. "oh shut up." "we need to get going if we want to avoid being late for divination." hermione proclaims. "you guys go ahead. Im gonna finish my orange juice."

I step out of the shadows at the north tower entrance to see harry ron and hermione completely out of breathe. "really. You guys really are pathetic." "maybe you could take us by shadow travel once in awhile." Ron snaps. "oh you couldn't handle it." "try me."

Professor trewlawney seems to have a few screws loose. shes nothing like the oracles ive met. damn wizards are just a cheap ripoff of the divine. why did I sign up for this stupid class anyway. as she passes out tea pots she stops a few steps away from my table. "dear boy, yu have by far the most ominous aura I have ever had the misfortune to encounter in my many long years honing my spectral perceptions." "would it surprise you to hear that that you're not the first person to tell me that."

I get partnered with Neville. I don't understand why people don't like Neville. sure hes kind of clumsy but hes a nice guy. Neville frowns as he looks into my cup. "to be perfectly honest Nico your tea doesn't look like anything to me." "Maybe that means I don't have a future." I start laughing. but I stop when I realize everyone's staring at me. "I wish you wouldn't make jokes like that" hermione says quietly. "Don't be so sensitive you bunch of babies. Give me your damn cup Neville." I

barely glance at nevilles cup before I declare "youre going to blamed for something that's not your fault." I frown. How the hell do I know that. trewlawny looks down into the cup. "exceptional insight Mr. Diangelo. the flaming tiger is barely visible. but you discerned with no difficulty. and even its association to the intoxicated Frenchman." "Ugh yeah!" I agree. I lean back towards harry and rons table. "Do you have any idea what shes talking about." Trewlawney hands the cup back to me. "Please continue." I look back into the cup. and focus. my eyes dart around the black mush. I don't see anything that can be discerned as an identifiable shape but something tugs at my intuition. "do you know any reason you might get into a feud with a painting?" "well there's the fat lady. she picks such random passwords. we usually get into a screaming match about once a month." I shrug and stare down into the glass. "and then something about vampires but it isn't super clear." Neville goes deathly pale. Trewlaney looks ecstatic."Impressive Mr. Diangelo. It seems you truly have the gift! I would expect nothing less from someone of your distinguished lineage." the rest of the class was pretty boring until trewlawny starts screaming about the grim.


Finally got the chapter out. so sorry for the long wait and thanks to anyone who hasn't given up on this story.

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