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we never get the chance to ask nico about his boggart. in fact we didn't see him again for the rest of the day. he didn't even turn up for the Halloween feast. "he couldn't have left the castle could he?" hermione asked sounding worried. Ron and I exchanged a look. Nico had all kinds of crazy powers. we were both certain that despite the heightened security Nico would have no trouble at all sneaking out of the castle. "His boggart must have really freaked him out." ron says quietly. "well yeah I meant that's what they do right." I respond. "You don't think he went to confront his bogart. I meant the real thing do you?" I stop and frown at ron. you mean that girl? I don't know. I don't get the sense Nico expected her to show up. I don't think he realized how scared of her he was. and what was with all the weird smoke?" We both turn to hermione. She frowns. "I haven't any idea. ive never heard of anything like that before. And what the hell is going on at the portrait hole?"

All of Gryffindor house seems to be backed upp on the staircase. "probably nevilles forgotten the password again." ron yawns. "Hey!" shouts Neville from behind us. "Im right here." suddenly professors Dumbledore, Mcgonnogal, and snape push past us. the three of us exchange glances and rush to the front of the crowd. The fat ladys portrait is in tatters.

"The teachers and I must have a thourough search of the castle> I am leaving the head boy ang irl in charge." He waves his wand and conjurs a pile of squashy purple sleeping bags. then his eyes land on me, ron, and Hermione and he sighs. "I suppose it would do me no good to ask where Mr. Diangelo has gone." He says. The three of us exchange a look. not really any point to lie. everybody has already noticed hes missing. "were pretty hes left the castle." Dumbledor doesn't bother to respond as he closes the doors.

Nico plops down on the bench next to me and bangs his head on the table. "morning." I say casually. "I wish I was dead." Nico moans. "does anyone else wish they were dead?" "I wish you wouldn't say things like that hermione hisses. Nico looks up at her and frowns. But before he can say anything professor Mcgonnogal rushes over. "Mr. Diangelo. explain yourself please." Nico turns to Mcgonnogal. "Huh?" "You are, Im sure, aware that students are not permitted to leave the castle grounds without permission." nicos eyes went wide. "You guys narked on me? what the hades!" "everybody already noticed you were gone mate." Ron said. "There was no point in lying. "Huh, How?" "Sirius black tried to get into the common room. slashed the fat lady to ribbons. the whole school had to sleep in the great hall." Nico looks incredulous. "The fuck. Why does fun shit only ever happen when im gone?" "Perhaps." Snaps professor Mcgonnogal. clearly annoyed at being ignored. we all jump because honestly we'd forgotten she was there. "You should remain in the castle if you're worried about missing out. and I hardly thinks the intrusion of a mass murderer qualifies as fun. And watch your language while you're at it. Nicos eyes narrow. he opens his mouth to say something but I instinctively clap my hand over his mouth. MCgonogal eyes me. "That was a good choice potter. And two detentions Diangelo. One for going absent without leave and one for foul language in the great hall." with that she stalks off and I remove my hand from nicos face. "what a bitch." "Three detentions Diangelo!" He scowls at Mcgonnogal.

I squint through my glasses trying to see the snitch. Even with hermiones spell I can barely see. my robes are drenched and im so cold my whole bodys gone numb. I mean I know safety isn't exactly a priority in quidditch but this is ridikkulus. Just as im wondering if lightning will be enough to call the game I see it. the giant black dog in the top row of the stands. then an instant later a flash of gold draws my attention. I forget about the dog and charge after the snitch. Diggory races after me. were neck and neck so I make a desperate move. I pull my legs up so im squatting on my broom then kick off with all my force using the nimbus as a springboard. reaching out and snatching the snitch with the very tips of my fingers. then I realize I definitely didn't think this through as I begin to plumet to the earth. luckily the Weasley twins catch me by the arms and lower me gently to the ground. then I notice the terrified expressions on their faces. "Whats wrong?" I ask urgently. the twins point up to the bleachers. a hundred dementors are swarming around a section of the stands. students are scrambling desperately away. and at the center of the chaos a mass of black energy is swirling and lashing out in massive tendrils. but the dementors barely seem fazed by it. they barely slow down for a second when struck by the shadows. nicos defenses are failing. suddenly a half dozen silver figures, a bird, a cat, a doe, and a few others I cant identify. the silver animals chase the dementors away as soon as their gone the black energystoos thrashing and starts to recede. revealing nico on his hands and knees sobbing before he suddenly passes out.


sorry about the long wait for the update. I just plain couldn't think of what I should write.

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