Chapter 2

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What do you want?, Rebekah asked with annoyance.

Oh! We don't want anything from you. In fact we want to speak to your brothers about what we want, Sabine claimed.

What do you want from my brothers? And do you really think it's wise to held me hostage when you want something from my brothers?

Sophie can see that Rebekah is actually smiling daringly to prove her point. In any other situation Rebekah would be right. But not now. Then it dawned on her.

She has no idea Sabine.

Sabine looked surprisingly at Sophie. The witches in the room murmured.

Rebekah can tell that she is in a cemetery of all places. Her patience is rapidly reducing, and the witches antics and drama is not helping at all. But she tried to play along the witches, she wants to escape from here after all.

What are you even talking about?

Are you sure about this Sophie? Because I still think that this is not a good idea, a middle age witch claimed.

It is the only way Agnes, Sophie shot back.

Maybe she forgot what is to be a human after all, sabine deduced.

Rebekah looks bored at this interaction.

You are pregnant, Sophie stated.

Rebekah caught her breath. It can't be. Can it? She thought about it long and hard and she can see the possibility. It might explain her morning sickness and her aversion and craving for foods. The fact that he didn't recognize her thrilled her and one thing lead to another. But are these witches really telling the truth?

Is this some kind of drama? Am I suppose to be impressed by your acting? Well done, you all are excellent performers, now it is time for me to go.

Rebekah tried to walk over the entrance but a spell bound her to the room like nothing else. She hates magic. She hates to look weak. She has never been weak for centuries, now all these witches have a strong upper hand just because a foolish angry witch damned her to be in a human form.

Listen! Sophie shouted which got everyone's attention.

You know I am not lying Rebekah. We have done all the tests possible and the results are the same. You are pregnant.

Rebekah knows she is right. She can feel it. She felt a rush of happiness wash over like no other. It's not some conspiracy. Yes, she loathed the human form she is in, she wanted to be a human but not like this, not as a punishment, she want it as a choice. Now it turns out that this human form is a gift after all. She is going to have a baby. She is going to add a new member to her mikaelson clan. She is going to bring a new life.

Rebekah mikaelson is getting a wonderful gift she dare to even dream of. She can feel the tears streaming down her face. Something released in her after bounded for so long. She felt human. This baby had changed her life even before it's birth.


Can we pull this off Sophie? Sabine asked.

It's been done. The brothers would have already got the message and would be on their way already. We just have to be patient and execute the plan, Sophie stated.

Yeah! Easier said than done.

Hey! We'll be alright. We can do this, you know.

Hope so.

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