Chapter 10

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Klaus compelled Camile to go out with Marcel and asked her to tell him everything. Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah tried to figure out the weapon that Marcel have against the witches but they couldn’t find anything.

And Dylan? Did you guys contacted him?


No? Elijah You can’t possibly side with Nic

Oh! Save the lecture little sister. Marcel is terrorizing the whole town. Do you really think that it would be wise to bring him now? If you really want to tell him in person, we should wait or else you can reveal the breaking news in a phone call, Klaus answered

That made her silent.

Bloody Hell, she cursed under her breath. So What the hell are we suppose to do?

Maybe his date with Camille will shed some light on this matter, Elijah hoped.

And what are you going to tell Marcel about your untimely visit? He would want to know what connection you have with saara, she asked

Ah! About that, We have to give him a little something so that he doesn’t get suspicious, Klaus said

I hope it is not the truth, even a tiniest bit, She asked

Yup. No truth. Truth will only make him get close to the witches. Unfortunately for us, a witch is linked with you that means we have to get him away as possible from your witch. Meanwhile I have a newbie vampire in Marcel’s circle, perhaps that will help us.
So what is it that saara want from you? Marcel looked at him like he looks at his prey.

Klaus smiled. Nothing of concern I’m afraid. It seems like the ancestors were angry at me and was trying to put an end to me through saara. It seems that you have interrupted that plan and in by doing so you have helped me a great deal my friend.

You? Why you? Marcel looked confused

Klaus knew that Marcel is not dumb so he tried to tell a story which is true only that this story has a whole different truth.

Of course I have the obvious question of why would they want to hurt me just because that I sired you. And I know the answer after seeing the state of witches here.

That seemed to convince him. He believed him.

But what that confuses me is this. You seem to have control the witches for months now. But why now? Why retaliate now when they were so afraid of you?

He gauged Marcel with his eyes. This question is an honest one too. It’s been bugging him since he got here. Why now? Then he saw Marcel face drawing a conclusion, like finding the answer. He knew it. Marcel knew something. Klaus is right. There is something else going on here which they don’t know about and he planned to find about it sooner than later.

It’s nothing really. Crazy witches you know, Marcel tried to cover up.

Klaus smiled and let him change the topic, for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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