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Your most asked question!

1. What is She-The Superwoman?

She-the-Superwoman honours women who overcome adversity and achieve their ambitions. Women who are undervalued and underappreciated as well as women who are making history in a world dominated by males.

2. What is the contest timeline?

The contest will begin on 4th March 2022 and will be a month long upto 25th March 23:59 PM EST. Any entries submitted post this won't be accepted!

3. Can I submit more than one entry?

Yes, you can submit more than one entry, but to keep things fair only one entry will be chosen as the winner.

4. Do I have to follow these prompts?

For this contest, you are required to follow at least one of the given prompts to be eligible.

The prompts are divided into three sections: Story prompt, Quote, and Monologue. The prompt can be altered as per your imagination but it should heavily revolve around women.

5. Can I participate in all the prompts?

You can either select to participate in a quote or a monologue or all two or all three, anything you wish.

6. What about the word count?

For the story prompt: The word count must be between 1000-3000 words, nothing more, nothing less.

For the monologue: The word can vary from 500-1000 words, nothing more, nothing less.

For the quote: There isn't a fixed word count for this category. But it should revolve around mental health and women. And it should be your original quote, nothing copied from any website.

7. Can I write my entry in a language other than English?

All entries must be written in English. Unfortunately, we do not have other language capabilities on the team at this time.

8. Do I have to make a new book?

It's up to you. It can be written as a new story or in an existing contest collection.

9. Can I submit a story with LGBTQ+ Characters?

Of course you can, this contest and Wattpad as a whole is always inclusive of LGBTQ+ characters and stories. We would love to read about them.

10. How do I submit my story for this contest?

Your entry should be submitted via these forms:

For the story prompt: use this Form

For the quote: use this Form

For the monologue: use this Form

Only entries submitted using these forms will be eligible.

11. How many winners will be there?

There will be three winners in total. There is no first or second prize. There's a single winner from each category.

12. When will the winners be announced?

Winners would be announced in the last week of April. 

She - The SuperwomanWhere stories live. Discover now