vii. Waves of Tomorrow

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" Pleasure to meet you

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" Pleasure to meet you. "

The beach hadn't been exactly what Brynn imagined. Her only idea of one was from Google photos and movies. The pure, white sand, the cool ocean blue water and the sun beating down on you. That wasn't the case for La Push Beach. It was windy with ice, cold water.

Brynn didn't dress for the current weather. Instead of her friends with coats and wetsuits on, while Brynn had on a colorful shirt and a floral maxi-skirt. Bella offered her a jacket, but Brynn declined. Bella wasn't as used to the cold as she was. Instead Brynn had decided to keep moving up and down the beach. The sand was a thinner consistency compared to dirt she quickly discovered. It stuck to her exposed skin from the sandals.

The blonde now understood the saying about sand going into every nook and crevice. It was irritating and rinsing off in the water would only result in more sand sticking onto her wet skin. The beach was now one of her least favorite places. Movies really did hype everything up.

As she continued down the beachline she noticed three boys around her age approaching. They all had long raven hair and russet colored skin. Each of the trio being equally attractive. The tallest one in the middle particularly caught her eye. Brynn waved to them as a feebale attempt to gain their attention. The thinner one on the end waved back to her with a friendly grin.

" That's Jacob and his friends. "

Brynn jumped at the sound of Bella's voice. She didn't know the small girl was that close to her. Normally, her awkwardly loud footsteps could be heard from a mile away. Brynn blamed the sand for than. Silencing potential dangers like the teenagers in front of her.

" Your childhood friend? "

Bella nodded before giving them a wave. They changed their direction towards the duo now. Brynn felt a hint of jealousy in the pit of her stomach before brushing it off. Now wasn't the time to think like Jessica. They came for Bella, because they knew her. Not to helplessly flirt with the new girl.

The one in the middle gave the girl's a nervous grin. " Hi Bella and Bella's friend. This is Quil and Embry. "

Quil was the one who had returned Brynn's wave. She automatically liked him.

" This is Brynn. She's also new in town. "

The boy who Brynn now knew was Jacob, since the other two names were taken, had widened his eyes. He sputtered out a question as he pointed at her.

" She's the girl that saved you? "

" She is right here and her name was just given to you. " Brynn crossed her arms annoyed.

Jacob's brown eyes softened. " Sorry, it's just- wow I didn't think you were.... "

Now Brynn was annoyed. What something wrong with her? Did is picture this stunning heroine? Something about his tone bothered her. A lot. Brynn never behaved like this. Usually she was level headed, but he made her blood boil within seconds.

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