A Game of Cat and Mouse

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I was suddenly startled awake in the middle of the night. My cat, who always slept on top of my chest, ran as fast as she could and scratched my chest in the process of her scurrying. It was dark, but the light pole was just outside my window so I was able to have a bit of night vision.

I quickly scanned the room to see where the cat went and noticed she was chasing something. I thought maybe it was a mouse. But then she jumped in the air and immediately saw that it was not a mouse.

A bright blue ball of light the size of a golfball was swarming around my room and my cat was chasing it. She chased it for maybe ten seconds all over my room, up and down and around every solid object until it flew out the window. My cat jumped on her cat tree which was next to the window to catch it but it was too late. The window was closed and she couldn't get out.

But the window was closed. How does something escape a closed window? What was it? What did I just witness? Maybe it was an insect but insects aren't blue balls of light and they can't escape closed windows. Maybe it was the reflection of light, someone outside with a flashlight and it was reflecting off my mirror opposite the window. But light doesn't just fly around while being chased and fly through a closed window either.

I thought about it the rest of the night. I'm not crazy. My cat just chased whatever it was around my room. The next day I told my roommate and when it got dark we tested all the possible source of light theories from outside my window. Of course neither of us could make the lights or reflections fly around. We even tried laser pointers and nothing resembled what I saw.

I never experienced it again after that. But I still wonder what I saw. Sometimes I look at my cat and think back to that night. Sometimes I wonder if she knew what it was and then I wonder how did it even wake her up? Did she sense it's presence or did it fly by her or bump into an object and cause a stir? It didn't scare me. I didn't feel afraid. I just feel confused and curious.

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