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десять. (desyat') — ten.

"Maybe I should wear shirts less often, then

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"Maybe I should wear shirts less often, then."

Mace smirked and walked inside.  She took off her coat and left it on the floor, immediately putting one hand on his chest and the other behind his head.  He backed up to make room for her.  She kicked her shoes off and began kissing him.  She could feel his lips curling into a smile as he turned and pushed her onto the couch.

Though she had arrived at eleven, they ended up actually leaving for coffee at 12:30.

"Had fun?"

"Oh, loads," answered Mace. 

They held hands as they walked down the street towards the coffee place they'd gone to last time.

"You know, if I looked at us on the other side of the street, I'd almost think we were a normal couple."

Bucky laughed.  "Definitely," he agreed.  "I don't have a Vibranium arm, and you're not holding a knife in your pocket."

"How did you know that?" she asked.

"I could feel it," he replied.

Mace clicked her tongue and looked at the ground for a second.

"Anyway.  Where are we going after coffee?  Going to take me to Ikea?"

Mace laughed.  "Maybe I will," she said.  "Or should we learn to shop online?"


"You know, we can stay inside if we shop online."

Bucky changed his answer. "Online," he said immediately.

Mace chuckled again.  "You're funny, James, I'll give you that."

Bucky smiled.  "No one's called me James in such a long time except you.  You know that?"

"You like it?"

"Sure, I like it.  It's a you thing.  I like you."

Mace nodded in thought.  She looked down at their feet as they walked — they were perfectly in sync.

"Are we a thing?" she asked, looking back up at him. 

"Hmm?" he returned.

She held up their intertwined hands.  "What is this?" she asked.  She put their hands down.  "I know... I know there's feelings here.  Lots of emotion.  But is this... is this something that's gonna last?"

"I want it to last," said Bucky. "But if it doesn't, it doesn't.  I know I have feelings for you.  That's all I need to know."

"Then that's good enough for me."

"Just know I'm not going to leave you, Mace.  I want you to know that."

"I know," she said.  She leaned his head on a shoulder for a second as they walked.

— —

They walked out of the coffee shop warmer, more awake, and more refreshed than before.  They decided they'd go back to Bucky's apartment to measure the space before buying any furniture.

"So then where'd you get the couch?" Mace continued their conversation as they walked out of the coffee shop.

"It came with the place," shrugged Bucky.

Mace widened her eyes for a moment.  "We've been making out on a couch that came with your apartment?"


"Who knows why they wanted to get rid of it!"

"Maybe 'cause it's just an ugly color," said Bucky, smiling.

Mace rolled her eyes with a smile.  "We'll get you a couch, too."

"Why would I need a new couch when I have a bed in the same apartment?"

Mace opened her mouth to speak, but there was no need to contradict the statement. "True," she completed. "You're very minimalistic, you know."

"I know," he laughed.

Mace smiled at him.

They rounded a corner — a shortcut to Bucky's apartment. It was between two buildings, but it was a wide enough alley that they'd see anyone coming. Plus, it was midday. No criminal in their right mind would rob someone at midday. And if the robber knew who the both of them were, they certainly wouldn't even think about it.

Suddenly, Mace and Bucky heard a noise from behind them, as if someone had dropped down from the roof above. So used to the feeling, both former assassins whipped their heads around to find a woman dressed in all black. Her hair was tied up, but they couldn't see her face yet— because she was coming toward them, fast.

Mace immediately pulled off her jacket. Bucky helped her with the task, and as the woman tried to kick Mace from above, she ducked, slipping off the jacket in the process. Bucky looked away for a moment to throw the jacket to the side, then got ready to fight, but it seemed Mace had it handled.

Mace ducked under another of the woman's punches and stuck her foot out to trip her from below. The woman fell for a moment, but was quick to get back up and begin throwing punches at Mace.

"Barnes!" shouted Mace, ducking under a punch.  "Left inside pocket!"

Bucky scrambled to pick up her coat and reach into the pocket she had named.  He pulled out a switchblade with a black handle.  Without thinking, he threw her the knife, and Mace caught it.  She flipped the switch to extend the blade and began fighting with it, but with a swift move, the other woman caught the hand Mace's knife was in and held her head down, bending her back over. 

Mace thought of something she'd learned as a Widow and dropped the knife from the hand the woman was holding into the other... but the woman had expected this.  She caught the knife as Mace dropped it.  As Bucky saw this, he started walking over there, quickly.  The woman forced Mace to the ground, switchblade to her neck. 

"Stay.. down.." she muttered, as Mace struggled.  The woman began to reach for something in her pocket, but Bucky had come to her and held her hands back.  Mace began slipping out, but the woman slipped one hand out of Bucky's grasp and reached in her pocket again.  She pulled out a red vial, opened it and just as Bucky noticed he was only holding one hand—

A cloud of red gas fogged Mace's vision.  She coughed, and James let go of the woman and pushed her to the side to get to Mace.  The woman stumbled backward, then stood up and watched as the red cloud of gas faded away.

"The hell?" muttered Mace, wiping her eyes.  Bucky helped pull her up from the ground.

Mace looked up at the woman.  She hadn't even gotten a glimpse of her face up until now.  It was one she knew.

"Yelena Belova?" Mace questioned.


ily all ♡ ♡


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