three | protect

29 1 2

safeguard, preserve

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       The city of Pulcheriopolis was in stark contrast to the wizarding village of the Tomorri Forest. The village, though mostly abandoned at this point, held so much life within it, so much beauty, so much magic. Pulcheriopolis, though crowded with people, felt dead, hopeless, the only magic to be seen being the rare person managing to walk around with a smile on their face. Endi had always hated it here.

       "Come now, boy, don't laze about!"

       The disgruntled look not leaving his face, Endi tugged on the rope, pulling the donkey, cart, and master further up the cobbled street roads. Two years ago, Rowena's father had secured a fantastic apprenticeship in the closest non-magical village to them, and though sad to be separated from the only family he had ever known, Endi was grateful for the arrangement. He was to learn metalwork from a kind man Ilir knew well, Endrit Gjonbalaj, a man more similar to Endi than anyone else in the world.

       Though Endrit wasn't a qenie jo magjike like Endi, he was what they call a fatzi - a person born to a magical family, but possessing no magic themselves. He had grown up in the Tomorri Forest alongside Diellza, but when he came of age, he had decided to live amongst the qenie jo magjikes, where he could make a life for himself without feeling overshadowed by his magical community. He had gone to the non-magical village just outside of the forest and taught himself metalwork, quickly becoming the town's blacksmith - the most reputable one in the area. He traded all over, including with the magical villages, something only he could do, as he had kept a good relationship with them all. When Endi had heard his story, he was honored to become his apprentice, looking up to the man even before he met him. Endrit was more than a master to him, he was a mentor, a role model, but above all, a friend. Endi took his death harder than anyone.

       The accident had happened only a little over a year into Endi's apprenticeship, and not knowing the trade well enough to take over for the man, Endi begrudgingly turned to the blacksmith in the next town, Ognian Hadjiev. Ognian had always been something of a rival to Endrit, but that wasn't why Endi hated him.

       "Bet you wish you had some magic to make this all easier, don't you, boy?" Ognian taunted from his place on the cart, where he sat like a king.

       Endi's nostrils flared. "No, sir."

       "Good answer," his voice boomed. Endi was glad the street they were on now was mostly empty. "If you had said otherwise, I might've had to kill you."

       That was why he hated Ognian Hadjiev.

       Choosing not to continue the conversation, Endi gritted his teeth and pulled the rope harder, only slightly acknowledging the exhausted grunt he received from the donkey. They were almost to the top of the hill, where the market started. The donkey would just have to push through.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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