Incident - 0.0 : Introductions.

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JULY 5, 2025. 7:40 PM.


the scene appears to be in a classroom inside. one young man sitting in front of the table tapping his fingers on the table while handcuffed.

meanwhile the elite classmates and LOP classmates were on their way to the classroom and are discussing about what are they going to do with him.

"so, who's going to interrogate that guy?" ??? said to ???#2.

"let Devone and Alexa do the-" ???#3 suggested but..

"i'll do the honors. LOPs will observe our conversation." ..was cut off by the leader of the elite classmate division herself Queenie.

"Very well Queenie, 幸運を(Good luck.)" the president leader of LOP classmates Shine Evergarden said in unison.

"you've heard the elite classmate's leader Jules, let's just observe it. we'll take down notes about this suspect, Arth start the recording.". Lyncel said to her while a classmate handed all the files about him.

"とった.(got it)" after responding he quickly start the recording on, and gave it to the pres.

"オーディオレコーディング1-これはシャインスピーキングです。私たち LOP と他の仲間のBABAGISU クラスメートエージェントは、私たちを巻き込んだ彼の意図と起こった出来事についての個人との尋問について観察し、メモを取ります.(Audio Recording 1 - this is Shine speaking, we LOP and other fellow BABAGISU classmate agents will be observing and taking down notes on the interrogation with the individual about his intentions and events happened that got us involved.)"

back to the young man he stood there waiting for someone to enter in. he can hear the muffled conversations the babagisu agents are having. he is still tapping the table until the door opened and it was her.

"こんにちは.(Hello.)" the elite classmate leader greeted the young man which he looked at her for a second before looking down at the table.

"i apologize..." the young man responded to her in a calm yet emotionless tone.

"すみません?(excuse me?)" Queenie said in japanese language again which the young man did not understand.

"i apologize for i cannot understand your second main language, Japanese was it?" the young man said in a professional and calm way.

"ah i see.. very well, let's have a talk." she began to open the file and read the dossier papers and sat down on the chair facing in-front of him.

meanwhile the LOP/KBV agent classmates were observing the interrogation and were ready to take down some notes about the individual's intentions and his major involvement of this revenge incident.

"Ghost Dance. interesting and very catchy name.. most of our classmates would be jealous about your.. codename." she continued to read the info about him.

"well, other operatives and freelancers have unique codenames other than Ghost Dance you know.." the young man spoke to her.

"age 24.. male.. eye color blue.. half britain and half filipino.. former halcyon field operative being defected to phoenix during the events of the shadow war.. oh my.. always calm, serious and cold during mission.. a professional infiltrator we have caught." the elite classmate leader was very interested about Ghost Dance.

"your... operation on here caught our attention or should i say.. you've shown skills and abilities that would that interest us, thus we've spent 2 weeks trying to track you down but too late for us.. and we presumed you dead after that.. little betrayal attempt caused by the broker who promised to pay you with good paycheck." she closed the file about him and placed it on the table as she is facing towards him.

"i know you're thinking to yourself.. "how? no one was able to watch me while i was infiltrating the HQ"... well one of the LOPs did.. and reported this little incident after our babagisu agent by the name Rixel De Guzman failed to report in the daily checkup for all agents plus 4 other agent of ours went missing... turns out you were the one who did all the play and escaped without setting any alarms. wow Ghost Dance.. impressive.. most impressive talent you did there." she smirked a bit which Ghost Dance was unfazed by her little bit of teasing.

"anyways.. lets start your story all over to the beginning.. this story between you and this traitorous broker of yours." 

"my story?" Ghost Dance said to her while staring at her.

"yes, tell us your story of a dangerous operation against the broker who thought he could get away with it.. we're all ears to listen, your narration is all yours to tell it Ghost Dance." Queenie and the entire BABAGISU agents were waiting for him to tell it. 

Ghost Dance looked at the table those flashes on his head about that revenge against that mafia broker.. the mission, the assassination attempt and then him killing the target... then it was over he smiled a bit before looking at window.

then he turn back to her and now he was about to tell his story..

"Alright, this is how it all began.."


Entry Point: Ghost DanceWhere stories live. Discover now