Incident - 0.2 : The LOP.

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at the cafeteria in Babagisu Agency, Queenie was just there, enjoying with her morning snack along with her fellow other Babagisu agents.

"so how did it go? did he cooperate well?" Shine asked her.

"Yeah, he did. he's doing well on giving us information about his operation and himself." Guillena replied to LOP leader.

"good job doing well on talking to him, now that we have the information we got..." Julz stated but Shine cuts him off.

"no, we didn't even hear his full story yet. we need to hear everything he has told before higher ups can decide." 

to Ghost Dance, Jollymar and Mizzi... the two agents were chatting each other while keeping an eye on the operative. Ghost Dance was just sitting on the chair looking down at the table.. motionlessly.

back at the cafeteria they were enjoying their snacks until.. the speak all over the agency place spoke..

"attention, will all Higher Ups of the agency please go to the meeting room. the meeting will start when all of the Higher Ups had gathered around room. thank you." 

back at the interrogation room.. Ghost Dance hear the PA speaker announcement and asked one of the LOP agents.

"what does that suppose to mean?." 

"well.. higher ups are on another scheduled meeting i suppose.."


the door opens and revealed to be one of the LOP agents, Rachel.

"この尋問は今のところ保留されており、高官は会議のために指導者を呼んでいます.(this interrogation will be on hold for now, higher ups are calling the leaders for a meeting.)"

"what are we going to do with him?" Mizzi pointed her finger towards at Ghost Dance.

she contacted Shine through her phone and dialed her, which she responds quickly.

"大統領、個人はどうですか?(President, what about the individual?)"

"彼を私たちの部屋に移しました、また彼は何かしましたか?(transfer him to our room, also did he do anything?)" 

"リーダーの大統領はいません、彼は何もしませんでした.(no leader president, he didn't anything.)"

"了解しました... 彼を私たちの部屋に移した後、気軽に彼と交流してください. 大統領が出ました.(alright.. after transferring him to our room, feel free to interact with him. President out.)"

"we get to transfer him to our room."

"alright.. charms, get Ghost Dance. we're transferring him to our room." Jollymar,Mizzi and Rachel escorted the detained suspect to their classroom.

"Leader's orders, let's go." Ghost Dance stood up and followed them to their classroom.

While being escorted he was spaced out a bit due to the past voices played around his head.

'We always catch them.' the first voice was the night he was almost killed and the night he was betrayed by a multimillion dollar criminal organization.

'its not going to bring you peace, you know.. no solace.. no tranquility.. just ashes.' the second voiced was the day where there was no turning back on destroying the organization's bunker, and moral wise words of his mentor.

'you know.. after you did the job, I'm afraid we part ways and going to dispose you.' and the third voice.. was the Broker's betrayal.

He snapped out of his thoughts as they had arrived at the room

"Mizzer! Rachel! Jollycharms!" one LOP classmate ran up to her and did the best friend hug.

"I see all of you are very attached to each other." Ghost Dance stared at them.

"Yeah... we are, do you have friends like these back in your day?" She responded to him.

"Well not really, Most of them are just operatives. Nothing more nothing less." He answered her question.

"I see." She understood his answer

"So where do i sit down?" Ghost Dance asked Rachel

"Well, right next to us I guess"

"Very well." Ghost Dance nodded and they both gone to their seats

'This day keeps getting more interesting.' Ghost Dance thought to himself.


Entry Point: Ghost DanceWhere stories live. Discover now