Not A Chapter (nothing important)

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Hi! I'm this fanfic's author and I have an announcement to make...

THIS FANFIC IS DISCONTINU-- nah just joking I'm not that savage.

So this is the real announcement :

Sorry but there's no updates today TvT

As said in the tags, this fanfic was supposed to be a oneshot since this is a random idea I got while I was making a plot for a main fic I've been plotting for months so this was supposed to be very super duper short writing exercise....

So basically the ending was supposed to be like Cale rambles about his sad backstory and reason to not help Alberu and Choi Han and the Roan Kingdom and the rest is spoiler....

Like he just spill them all out like this emo quiet kid telling how his life sucks to his online gaming friends--

But as I was writing the fic without any plot in mind whatsoever, just literal opening and ending and for the rest, trust me, I'm as curious as y'all readers in what's going to happen next so--

As a realistic writer (in case none of you notice yet) and a lover of humor, I realized that "bro this fic suddenly have this decent plot and legit humor and with the personality of God!Cale here, the man is like, spent thousands of years hiding his existence and for him to suddenly rambles about himself to the 2 mortals who found his old temples by chance?!"

"That, my friend, is bullshit if I ever smell one."

"He can be better than that, he can be better than some emo kid."

"That ain't happening and I won't forgive myself with that kind of plot development."

Like, y'all readers won't be satisfied with that ending and so do I, as I would spend my nights imagining of the alternate better endings and ended up cringing at that kind of ending like how I cringed as I read my 1st chapter of this fic.

I mean, this is my first uploaded fanfic so I want it to have a good plot and humor okay ಠ_ಠ

So my genius self decided that - oh and mind you, the timeline of when I thought of all this is after I uploaded the 3rd chapter - fuck all that crap stuff and lets rewrite a new plot!

And as you can see, chapter 4 and 5 successfully made with a new plot in mind.

Then comes the problem.

So I currently do indeed HAVE chapter 6 already made 100% and chapter 7 rough ideas but I spent literal 5 DAYS just to make chapter 6 because of the amount of plot change which is very long considering it only took me 1 and a half days to make the past chapters like--

When I just started to post the 1st chapter, on AO3 it says 1/3 chapters and when I uploaded the 3rd it says 3/6 and with the last chapter number is actually in the making aka chapter 3 hasn't been finished yet and still draft in that 1/3 part that makes it me finished making 3 chapters in the span of (a chapter per 2 days) 5 days.

And I know y'all are confused while reading that, probably 80% of y'all skipped the paragraph or just scanned it as soon as you saw numbers so in short, this one chapter 6 took 5 days to make which is the same writing speed as me making chapter 3,4, and 5.

(I'm an experienced reader, of course I know)

So yeah. I didn't post chapter 6 right now since I'm still not sure if there are things to change or add to make it fit with chapter 7 which is in the making, so I will upload an actual chapter on my next update schedule which is in 2 days ;w;

I'm super sorry, probably I should've write faster since it's only 1 chapter, but this update is just an excuse chapter basically =v="

I was hoping I'd already finished a few chapters and change the plot without anyone realizing and already finished chapter 7 or even 8 at this point in time as I keep uploading chapters normally like a champ, but I guess that didn't work out (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)

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