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Raya stayed at Salt Lake City for Christmas.

Even though she was set to leave with the Walkers, she was always meant to spend the holidays with them, birthdays included.

But this was different now.

sunrise swerve (+ gp, ec, mc, and ac)
raya - the love of ross geller's life
gwen - best spider-man love interest
sammy - black falcon
robin - boy wonder
riri - live-action iron heart
taylor - werewolf from twilight
julius - fred-man
gina - the vampire slayer
ej - elton john
mj - demon
ashlyn - the kid from pokémon

the kid from pokémon
that's so messed up of her...

werewolf from twilight
i'd punch her if i could

no one's punching anyone

... since when did i become
the voice of reason here??

boy wonder
since the usual voice
of reason is out of it,
and sammy's at her
grandmothers' house

black falcon
that doesn't mean i
didn't read any of what
happened in the past 48 hrs

grammy and abuela sends
their love

the vampire slayer
i'm so sorry it didn't go the
way we hoped it did, ray

live-action iron heart
how's she doing??
she eating or anything??

she hasn't left the house at all

i tried to call ricky but
she begged me not to

elton john
it would mean she pushed
him away for nothing if
they find out she didn't
leave slc for nyc

the love of ross geller's life
i'm still here, you know??

boy wonder

best spider-man love interest

christmas movie marathon
night anyone??

the vampire slayer
it'll make this bih feel better

the kid from pokémon
i'll go get the movies
you guys get snacks

black falcon
we can have it here

grammy, abuela, and i baked
cookies all of yesterday

werewolf from twilight


dad says yes
as long as we take aj with us
and give grammy wilsons some
christmas treats

the love of ross geller's life
i'm packing a bag now
see you there

elton john
how is taylor not
cookie monster in this??

boy wonder
because he's too much of a wolf
to be cookie monster

best spider-man love interest

"So, Love Actually, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Home Alone, Home Alone 2, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Elf, or It's a Wonderful Life?"

Taylor held up the DVDs to his friends and the two elderly women, gently setting each of them down. Abuela Wilson picked How the Grinch Stole Chirstmas, Grammy Wilson picking Home Alone along with Sammy and MJ, EJ and Ashlyn chose Elf, Robin, Julius, and Riri picked Home Alone 2, while Gwen, Gina, and Raya picked Love Actually.

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