Part 1. Turn Back Time For Three Years

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"HERMIONE DUCK! REDUCTO!" You grabbed Hermione's arm as you bolted through the halls, "STUPIFIY" Hermione yelled to the Death Eater who attempted to ambush you, You were running with Hermione when you screamed thinking it was a Death Eater but to your relief, you saw it was Harry and Ron, "Oh my god! Thank go your alright! Where did you both go off to?" You demanded the boys, "The Diadem we have to find it!" Harry said hastily. "The lost Diadem of Ravenclaw?" Hermione clarified "Yes, That one." You looked at Harry and your eyes widened "FLIPENDO" You shouted you deflected two spells which came to Harry, "We need to go to a much safer area!" You said above the noise, Harry looked around spells were going everywhere "Safer area!? Which Part of Hogwarts is a safer area!?" Harry said "Room of requirement come on! Quick!" You ushered Harry, Ron, and Hermione-
All of you were trying to fight spells after spells "CRUCIO!" A witch shouted You ducked "AVADA KEADAVARA" You yelled instantly killing her, "Y/n you killed her." Harry gasped.

"A good thing she won't be able to kill anyone else." You dismissed. After a while, you almost bumped into Harry's back as he stopped abruptly. You saw to the corner and gasped, Greyback was savaging lavender "NO!" Hermione screamed "AVADA KEADAVRA" You added which sent him breaking down the wall. You all gasped when you made it near the room, Entering it you started searching the diadem "Where could this Diadem be?" You questioned to no one, while you were searching the boxes When you heard two spells blast against one another. You immediately rushed to see Crabe, Goyle, and Draco, "IT'S THAT MUDBLOOD AVADA--"

Harry sent a hex at him which made blasted him, You glared at Goyle he then swished his wand Fiyendfyre, "OH God! he doesn't know how to retrieve it?" You gasped Hermione threw you a broom you swiftly mounted it and Crabbe died in his spell, You grabbed Draco as Harry Grabbed Goyle, "Careful Harry to your left you warned tilting your broom, "Hold on Malfoy almost there." You said and with a swish, the fire opened just a little to let you pass through. You landed harshly against the ground as Malfoy helped you on your feet, before fleeing.
"Are you all okay! Ron kick the Diadem into the enchanted flames!" you said Ron got up and kicked the Diadem which had so much dark magic, all of you were panting and gasping for air.

When the silence became extremely eerie and there was a soft hissing voice in your head, you held your head trying to concentrate on it- when you heard Voldemort's voice "You have fought hard but valiantly, You have lost your fighters, I command my forces to retreat dispose of your dead with dignity, Harry Potter I now speak directly to you, you've let your friends die for you rather than face me yourself. Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate, If you do not do this, Then I shall kill every last man, woman, a child who conceals you from me. Y/n L/n your the first Muggle Born witch that has been remarkable and not an abomination, Join my alliances and you'll be forgiven, Your friends, Family, and your loved ones will be rewarded you both have one hour do or die." With that, the sound faded to nothingness, and there was not even a whisper.

"Why does he need you!?" Demanded Ron, "It's so simple because she has trained hard, and studied well to be the best witch she possibly can be, She doesn't rely on luck, or by chance, or miracles to save her, It's not by the talent she is strong but by hard work." Hermione gasped.

You were breathing with your mouth from the heavy running and fighting, "Let's go to the great hall" You suggested. The sight you saw was the saddest many corpses lying lifeless, while children, parents, mourned their tragic deaths and there was nothing you could do about this- Harry felt horrible these people died fighting them, Your eyes watered this wasn't fair why did they need to lose there lives? All these bodies made you sick, "Harry..." you softly tried knowing that he must've been feeling horrible. "I'm going to umm..." You sighed heavily "Blame and burn yourself?" You breathed, "This is all my fault. They died fighting for me." Harry said. "They died fighting for what is right. Harry this is the flaw that Voldemort's been looking for." You breathed back to him. To the corner, you saw the Weasleys mourning the death of Fred.

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