Part 2. Back In Time Now

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When the time turner stopped spinning you were on the familiar grounds of Hogwarts again, wow you admitted never thought you might ever see this place restored as a whole again. Everything was so in... peace, or was it? three years... In the fifth year at Hogwarts, your age had changed. Hogwarts didn't feel like home, not without your friends and professor McGonagall no doubt she would be here but it just wouldn't be like she was there with you. You clutched the time turner harder feeling like a total outsider like the first day you had walked into Hogwarts, you felt so intimidated by the prying eyes, and everyone's intense stares as if you were a zoo animal out of place. 
You were dragging the heavy trunk inside the castle, not bothering to take your wand not wanting to utter one more spell, the corpses the blood filled your mind you felt nauseous. You were going through the halls slowly examining everything. Finally, you snapped out of your trance you had to focus on your mission. 

Deciding it would be the best to use the bathroom to change into your robes, and consult Armando Dippet would be a place to start. But, Armando was not the person you had to talk you needed to talk to Dumbledore. 

Knowing Hogwarts in the back of your mind you made it to the nearest bathrooms, no moaning Myrtle she couldn't have been dead. You spent a good hour there washing and drying yourself out. Changing to the robes, you began walking to the office. You noticed an handsome boy pass by you both of you not giving each other a second glance but suddenly Tom stopped.

"Who are you?" He questioned, you just didn't want to talk to anyone and continued on without a second glance. "If you are a trespasser than--" 

"Oh, stop it will you, nobody can trespass these halls not with the protective enchantment putting a million spells all over." You said a little irritated could he not take a hint. 

You began walking again and reached the office, you knocked twice and herd a voice,

"Come in." You instantly recognized Dumbledore's voice. 

"Good evening, Sir I needed to talk to you on my transfer from Illvermorny?" You began almost the moment you entered the office. Dumbledore looked at you surprised and then he noticed how tired and exhausted you looked. 

"I don't quite recall dear, why don't you have a seat?" Dumbledore smiled pleasantly. 

"Thank you, sorry for barging in over here... I'm just.... very tired." You admitted. 

"I couldn't have missed that, let me offer you a drink." Dumbledore with a wave of his wand came a hot cup of tea with some freshly cooked bread. 

"You know this is actually the real meal I've had in a while." You smiled gratefully. 

"I know, so tell me Miss...?" 

"Harris. Y/n Harris." You introduced. 

"What could've brought you here?" 

"Well you see I got transferred from Illvermony because of my expulsion and here I am in Hogwarts." You said almost bluntly at the lie which rolled out from you. 

Dumbledore had a twinkle in his eyes on how you were the least bit troubled on saying Expulsion, he smiled. 

"If I may miss Harris, why may I ask you were expelled from the school?" 

"I didn't like it there for some reason.... so I became a bit of a trouble maker, constantly landing myself into detentions, disregarding the rules, just to get of there until I got expelled." 

"I hope you won't do the same things here Miss Harris." Dumbledore warned with amusement. 

"I hope I don't have to." You smiled. 

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