Part 7. New Teachers

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The students of Hogwarts had all been holding hitched breaths, and pin drop silence adorned the huge courtyard, where everyone shot bullets through your head, like something illegal was done and maybe it was according to the whole school but it was normal in the Harris household, Lily was holding Mary a few feet away from you, Pettigrew squeaked and hide his plump form behind Lupin's tired eyes and Snape glared at you with bewilderment, 

Alice looked calm or so you guessed, Sirius had his lips open for a bee hive to pass in, the sudden Blare from your watch broke the silence. But you paid no mind to it, the Slytherin house prefect Riddle, approached the area knowing exactly what the mess was about.

James lay on the broken tree, you herd the sound of his ribs cracking and you could tell only Hana or Lady Fran could do something about it, but the basic medical care in Hogwarts would hardly suffice, 

"Miss Harrison!" Slughorn suddenly juggled out the crowd a grave look of horrification tinting his face, he looked at you with wide eyes and lips like Ice, 

"This is outrageous how could you?" He breathed, "Mr. Potter, Mr. Potter can you move? Hold on." 

Slughorn dragged the beaten up James carefully, almost paralysed. Riddle's eyes remained fixed on the right fist of your hand, which punched him in a abnormal strength to the point it was scary and punishable, 

(Bastard... He went to far.) You gritted your teeth and was ready to turn around and get place to cool of, when Dumbledore called you.

"Miss Harrison, Mr. Potter's recovery will be slow, because of your temper tantrum. I'm warned though." Dumbledore started, "Lady Fran said so, you were still a witch under training." 

"I... Got overwhelmed." You admitted feeling a wave of guilt flush you over, 

"I see... Isn't that a questionable trait to have for a witch taking on the Wisteria head?" 

"Wi... Right.." you sighed, you were both walking towards the Astronomy tower where you would always go back with your friends, with Lady Hana, Rafal and alone. 

"I am always taking unnecessary missions anyway... I guess you know." 

Dumbledore chuckled at how well informed you were, and waved his wand for some juice and his chocolates he adored, "Miss Harrison, why did you want to change young Riddle? Even when the chances seem so grim?" 

"You speak as though I have changed him, it's been two months since I came here and I've done nothing to change him, I'm avoiding him... Because I... Hate him. My blood boils with fury how could he have taken the main Abe family members and then mum and dad? I had five siblings all of them died because of the death eaters..." You started. 

"Ahh is that what Tom calls his intimate friends?" 

You nodded, "I was overwhelmed with... Grief and positivity like I could change him... But.. no, I wanted to protect them... I should have known better." 

"Well Miss Harrison... You've come a long way, for such a young girl with so many difficulties is admirable."

"I may be drawing a death line to the whole family, my friends and my teacher... But... I still want to try, there is no way I can love that monster but my family is at stake and I won't let my siblings die." 

You said darkly, and was about to apparate away when Dumbledore said, "Remember Y/n when you chose this mission you came with the notion that Riddle deserved a chance in living a life." 


You dragged your feet with Angry tears spilling from your eyelids, how could someone like Riddle deserve a chance in anything? You only wanted to hold them so close to you, even death wouldn't keep you all apart in that broken family. Where glamour was the highest in the hierarchy but yet... 

"Hello?" Someone you couldn't make out called, 

Some tears rolled like waterfall when you felt someone flick your forehead and you came face with a man with a scar down his eyes, gentle eyes and sad smile, 

"Hey.. what's got you all mood offed?" He smiled he had a soft tone in his voice, and familiar arms. Your eyes widened and you felt as though the ground within your feet would just fall apart and all these spiralling emotions would swallow your would like a raging thunder on the unforgiving Tsunami waves,   

"Hey it kind of looks nice on you!" Rose squealed hugging you a hairpin which Gin picked out fit the frame of your eyes and hair very well and also suited your fiery rage, 

"Why is it all so red?" You asked with a look of dissatisfaction, 

Gin smiled patting your head and "The most firey heart's have the most love in them." 

Gin and Rose laughed, blood streamed on there faces, and hair then on your shaky fingers which held a bloody dagger, 

Blood on the mats

Blood on the utensils 

Blood on your cloths


"You know sometimes you act so weird!" You saw another face with a large toothy grin, and beautiful attire, which suited Gin so well and a goofy eyes, "Dad and Greg, Rose also." 

Then Ginny Looked at your terror filled face, "Did... Something happen?" 

He hugged you and you shook your head, in up and down, "Calm down!" Gin said through the chaos, 

You felt like there was no oxygen getting supplied to your lungs, even his scent was the same, the way he talked and his gestures were exactly the same. From three years ago.There was nothing comforting of the carefree smile, 

When suddenly rose, rose scented candles gava the aroma of calmness, 

"Aroma therapy, roses in tranquil waters." A soft gentle voice pressed and suddenly you snapped out of the trans and you could process the sudden wave of emotions which had overwhelmed you, a witch with long black hair tied in a loose braid behind her back and the huge Witches hat and her signature wand, "Flowers, so pretty!" Gin commented, 

Hana and Lady Fran slowly walked towards you, 

"Y/n are you feeling better?" Hana asked softly, 

You gave a curt nod in acknowledgement, still feeling like your insides were crushed into a smoothie blend, "I'm sorry if bring Gin was sudden I--" 

"Sister is a bit weird! But it's only me maybe she's surprised seeing me alive after working with him for so long!" Gin cried throwing his arms around your neck, and exaggerating 'him' 


"Hana... What are you doing?" Lady Fran solemnly remarked,

"Aroma and smell comforts the inner turmoil this new blend of mine is still in progress, Y/n looks still shaken up!" 

"Harrison." Someone called out emerging from the few bushes, it was Riddle who scanned Lady Fran and Hana with some curiosity and question he could feel something strong between them and then Gin who had a relaxed yet bold behaviour and then you who looked little shaken up, 

"The meeting for the tri-wizard is being conducted by a few professors." Riddle started, 

Hana intervened smiling, "You must be Tom Riddle? Right? I'm Hana McGregor. I'll be in Hogwarts for these months to protect uncalled situations." Then it was there something that indicated Hana wasn't feeling right. 

"It's my pleasure, let me know if I can aid you in any--" 

"Hana is the war hero in the German Aristocracy family war, which changed there entire lineage she won't need your aid." You snappily remarked, 

Hana placed a hand on your shoulder, "I appreciate it Riddle, I'm on patrol for the night maybe you could join me." 

"Learn something as well." You muttered with content. 

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