Part 5. Finally, Attending the Classes?

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You woke up today staring at the alarm with deep loathing hate-filled eyes from your side, As though challenging the abusive alarm clock. 
"I swear I will send you to the boilers!" You grumbled. 

It was 4 am again in the morning, you think waking up at 4 am the more you do the easier it would be, but for you every time this happened you wanted to crush it into tiny minuscule pieces. 

Marry, Lily, and Molly were still sound asleep. You stared at them should I go back to sleep?
You brushed yourself away grabbing a hoodie to keep yourself warm, mornings are so cold. 

 Lady Fran  would flip you over if you did not train today. You needed all the training you could get so that you could advance take the final qualification to be a league witch. 

Getting dressed which you made you slightly less annoyed over your alarm clock. 
Today and for the rest of the year you will be attending all the classes properly. 

That could have been a reason, 


"I am so irritated right now, why do I have to attend a whole year's class? I've been through this crap don't need more stuff inside my head. What I should focus on getting that Riddle to change his insignificant mind... and returning home and focusing on becoming an elite witch--" 

"Right... today I am going to teach you a very important branch... Medical magic." Lady Fran said. 

"More studying?!" You groaned. 

Lady Fran  gave you an eye roll, "I can't believe you are my student." 

"Y/n..." Lady Fran  called out sternly. "What are the kill points in a human?" 

"The Heart, Larynx, spine, Lungs, Liver, Juglar, Subclavian arteries, kidneys." You said, "You're asking me to...?' You asked slowly. 

"No, I want you to study medical magic. When you take on life threatening missions you might work alone you need to be talented enough to heal yourself." 

"You're from the Rosewood family, you will soon after this mission have to carry out more dangerous, and more serious missions... you already know Y/n... don't make me repeat it... oui?" 

Your breath was suddenly felt like it was submerged under water, you were attending Hogwarts for Six years and this was the last year and you had to say goodbye. 

"Oui Oui I know!" You spoke.


-You head back to the dorm rooms and headed straight for the Great Hall, all the learning made you hungry, so here you were speed running. 

You found a spot next to Lily, "Do you mind If I sit here?" You asked. 

"Y/n! you don't need permission to sit here of course you can!" Lily enthusiastically pulled you down. 

You were eating peacefully when Molly directed her attention to you, 

"Where were you this morning?" Molly asked, that had gotten Alice, Lily, and Mary's attention as well. 

"I went to get a run, and some exercise." You casually replied. 

Mary's eyes widened, "How? the gates only open at 8am!" 


"So?! So how could you get out?" Mary almost squealed. 

You smiled, "Magic." 

First you had Transfiguration, Charms, Potions for three hours, loads of homework. 

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