256. Tian Zhouqing's Birthday

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In the next few days, Tian Zhuoxuan felt like he was living in hell.

He had never done heavy-lifting work or home chores because a lot of people would do for him. However, in order to survive, to prove that he was useful, he had to work hard at the boy’s home who brought him back.

He had to help feed pigs, to clean floor, to wash dishes, to wash clothes..

The first time he washed dishes, he broke two bowls. Just because of this, he was almost beaten up but the boy helped him.

It took him a long time to just wash a single piece of clothes.

He didn’t know how to clean a house and feed a pig. He had never done these things before…

But now, he had to learn! He knew that this village was at the border of City of Capital, quite distant from any places. It wasn’t like he hadn’t thought of leaving.

He once tried to leave. But after two hours, he felt tired. Besides, there were beasts outside!

There was a forest outside the village. To go to the City of Capital, he had to pass through the forest. There were beasts in the forest and he was almost bitten to death by beasts that day. If not for Brother Xiao’s father who had found him, he would be dead…

Later on, he didn’t dare to leave and could only stay.

He even tried to say his identity. He said that his Emperor Father would definitely award them official titles if they would send him back! However, those people saw him as an idiot and even said that if he was the Little Prince, he would definitely be in the palace. He must be daydreaming!

Later, they even said that if he mentioned this again, they would not take him in and chase him into the woods!

Tian Zhuoxuan had cried many times, but crying was useless. If Brother Xiao’s father and daddy saw him crying during the day, he would be scolded. If he cried at night, he would not fall into sleep and then he would have no much energy for the work next day. One thing led to another. He would be beaten up.

He had really been beaten! He was hit twice by the broom. He finally had a taste of the great pain of being beaten!

He remembered that he always liked to whip people. Whipping must be more powerful than beating.

For the first time when Tian Zhuoxuan was beaten, he understood why his father was disappointed at him.

Being beaten was such a painful and sad thing. Father, Emperor Father, where are you? I am so sorry. I was really wrong. I want to go home…

In the blink of an eye, Tian Zhuoxuan had been staying in this house for half a month.

Half a month later, he got used to the life here. On this day, he woke up early. Tian Zhuoxuan had told himself last night that he would wake up early. But in the end, he still woke up late. Brother Xiao already got out of bed.

Tian Zhuoxuan hurriedly put on his clothes. These days, he had never worn his fancy silk clothes. He was wearing rough cotton clothes that Brother Xiao had worn when he was as old as him.

He and Brother Xiao shared the same bed but different blankets. At first, he was not used to sharing a bed with someone else. At that time, he was sad and scared. It was Brother Xiao who comforted him…

Gradually, he was used to sharing the bed with Brother Xiao.

After getting out of bed, Brother Xiao was already cooking breakfast there, and his parents had already gone to work in the field outside.

“Let me help.”

“No need,” the boy waved his hand. “If you want to work, you can clean the floor. My parents will come back soon.”

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